mass removed from hens foot, what could it be?


11 Years
Aug 19, 2008

My daughters hen has had a swollen toe for a couple weeks or so. If poked with a pin puss would drain expect wear the mass was(on the under side of the toe) and it kept getting bigger. So tonight I cut it open and removed a marble size mass, which reminds me off scrambled eggs in color and a little stiffer than eggs. So I am wondering what this mass is. I am wondering if it could of been an abcess?

Anyone else ever deal with this?

Thanks in advance.
Looking around on the site now, I am positive that it is bumblefoot. Bumblefoot crossed my daughters mind, but everything she saw said that it was on the base of the foot. Now we know it can happen on a toe. I feel bad that she had to limp around for so long!

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