Mate died, will my goose be alright?


9 Years
Mar 4, 2010
Bishop CA
I've heard stories of geese mourning their dead mates into starvation and death. My 6 year old gander died last night. Him and his 6 year old mate were sleeping together and when I came to get them in the morning, she was still cuddled up against the dead goose. I had them separated from the flock, closer to my house. I put her out with the flock this morning, and she ate and drank but stands alone and doesn't want to swim. She is silent (usually a very vocal goose) and seems despondent.

she is a Large Dewlap Toulouse. I'll be watching her carefully, but is there anything else I can do for her? I have other ganders in the flock, but they are all very young.

): I miss my big boy so much, he was the best goose I've had. I feel so bad for his mate, she is such a sweet girl too.
Oh. And I forgot to mention. The gander was healthy. He broke his wing some time ago and was healing from it, but had not been eating a lot or drinking. I think he was just hurting too much. ):
She's going to mourn for him for a while. I've found that its easier for the males to adjust than the females. Watch her closely. When we lost our Tundra to a copperhead bite last year, 4 months later we lost Tansy. I swear it was from a broken heart. She cried for him for weeks. She basically withered away.

Good luck with your goose.

Oh, how sad. That is just terrible. Can you put your goose with the others so she doesn't feel so alone? One goose may just want to comfort her. Heck, you never know.
Thank you both. Yes, I've put her with the flock so she's not alone. I'll keep a close eye on her. I just hope she'll accept the young gander. ):
So sorry for your loss, I hope she will find comfort with the other goslings.
I've heard stories of geese mourning their dead mates into starvation and death. My 6 year old gander died last night. Him and his 6 year old mate were sleeping together and when I came to get them in the morning, she was still cuddled up against the dead goose. I had them separated from the flock, closer to my house. I put her out with the flock this morning, and she ate and drank but stands alone and doesn't want to swim. She is silent (usually a very vocal goose) and seems despondent.

she is a Large Dewlap Toulouse. I'll be watching her carefully, but is there anything else I can do for her? I have other ganders in the flock, but they are all very young.

): I miss my big boy so much, he was the best goose I've had. I feel so bad for his mate, she is such a sweet girl too.
I've heard stories of geese mourning their dead mates into starvation and death. My 6 year old gander died last night. Him and his 6 year old mate were sleeping together and when I came to get them in the morning, she was still cuddled up against the dead goose. I had them separated from the flock, closer to my house. I put her out with the flock this morning, and she ate and drank but stands alone and doesn't want to swim. She is silent (usually a very vocal goose) and seems despondent.

she is a Large Dewlap Toulouse. I'll be watching her carefully, but is there anything else I can do for her? I have other ganders in the flock, but they are all very young.

): I miss my big boy so much, he was the best goose I've had. I feel so bad for his mate, she is such a sweet girl too.
Hi NapoleanGoose, I read your story and I feel your loss. I loved all the geese I have had, I had up to twenty that I raised and over the years, I watch as some mates lost their partners & they never matted again I always said they were smarter then people definitely more loyal but my oldest goose was a male and he got so ornery that every time the geese would hatch a new baby he would run take them over & wouldn't let any of the other geese around them it was the funniest thing ever I called him the gram pa & soon the other geese knew when the babies hatch & hit the water o gran pa was gonna take them over ! But I wanted to thank you for your story because it made me remember mine it brought back such good memories and another thing I wanted to say to you and anyone else who suffers the loss of a good animal is take comfort in the job you did for them because of you they meant something, because of you they were loved and that's what makes us all connected TO LOVE & BE LOVED !!!

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