Matted poopy feathers


Jun 2, 2023
North Florida/Panhandle
As the title says…

Noticed my BR has a huge clump of poop stuck to her. Tried cleaning it with baby wipes, wet towels, and could barely get any off. It feels like matted hair almost. I didnt want to be too rough and potentially injure her so I snapped a photo to bring to the experts here. How can I clean her without hurting her?

Soaking and working the material out of the feathers will work.

Large poop ball clumps may need to be crushed before you can work them out. Pliers work well for crushing hardened balls of poop.

Finally, tough clumps that just won't work out, you may have to trim them out.

If you're weather is cool/cold, then dry her very well (with a hairdryer) if you go with soaking.

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