May 2010 Pullets....waiting on first eggs?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Aug 14, 2007
Central NC
Who else is hopefully anticipating their "babies'" first eggs? I'm not rushing them....just patiently waiting and checking every day!!
Lovin' those chicks!!!
Me! Brought my girls home May 2, so they were a couple of days old. Really, they are just showing the bumps of wattles, so I'm not holding my breath for it to happen this month.. even though they will be 20 weeks, officially tomorrow. I forgot to put a calendar up in their coop.
Have 26 Black Stars and 3 EE pullets(yesterday I had 4) hatched May 30th. I'll keep watch on here because once they start I'm going to be back into selling eggs again.
My April BOs were late so I expect my May birds to be late too, especially since a few are Polish and they are known to be late anyway. Hopefully soon.
Mine were May 3rd and I am getting eggs from 2/8, one leghorn and one RIR. The others look like they WANT to lay (flopped over red combs and squatting) but as far as I can tell, only two are giving up eggs!

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