May 2010 Pullets....waiting on first eggs?

I have 4 that were hatched in early May and only ONE is laying. They are 3 RSL and 1 RIR.

Oh, but I also saw one squatting the other day...

ETA: ok I do have 2 laying now.
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I have an interesting question. I have two Columbian Wyandottes. One seems to be laying as I now get 5 eggs a day. I have 5 April birds that have been giving me 2-4 eggs a day since late August and now I am suddenly getting 5 day consistently. So I am pretty sure one of the Wyandottes is laying now.

My concern is the second Wyandotte. She has no red coloring on her face, no wattles, etc. Both she and her sister were born the same day. She is also smaller than her sister. Is this typical? She seems healthy but her sister starting getting red over six weeks ago. She still has no coloring or signs of maturing at all.

I have June 1 pullets who look more mature than her.

Thoughts? Should I worry she isn't developing? At what age does this become abnormal? If she is androgynous, that is fine, I am just curious.
Well, I have 9 April hatched chickens that have been laying for about a month and picked up 12 eggs today so guess the May Black Stars are laying about when I expected them to. Still no colored eggs so that means the EE's of the same hatch aren't going yet.

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