May 2010 Pullets....waiting on first eggs?

Our chicks hatched on May 17th 2010. 12 Buff Orpingtons, 12 Plymouth White Rocks. WE GOT OUR FIRST EGG YESTERDAY!! I was hooting and yelling and was so excited!
We got the 2nd egg today. I'll try to post pictures tomorrow, hopefully we'll have more but not bad for just turning 5 months old! WOOHOO! Go girls!
Brought home our 5 BO and 3 BR chicks on 5/7/10. They were a couple of days old at that point. No eggs yet. I even drive home 7 miles from work on my lunch break to check the nest box!
My girls are 23 weeks and my SLW started laying a few days ago. I get one a day from her. My NHR and my Blk Aust have not started laying yet. Cant wait until they do!
I'm getting a few of the May 29th Black Stars that are laying--I think--one sure made a ruckus today and there was an egg left behind. Whether her's or one of the Comet's I'm not sure. No sign yet of the EE's that are the same age even considering the task but the little rooster has sure been busy covering all the hens.

BTW, I noticed tonight that when the rooster approached the BS they would squat but he wouldn't mount them. I assume this means they aren't quite ready.
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Wow really? I think the cockerel is just young and does not see an opportunity when it arises...

This years young cockerels got real beat up by the older hens when the made every effort to mount them without permission...

My April pure Ameracuana pullets are kicking in laying, so are the May Marans pullets..... Yep egg basket is getting full again, since the older EE's are taking a bit of a break..

Wow really? I think the cockerel is just young and does not see an opportunity when it arises...

This years young cockerels got real beat up by the older hens when the made every effort to mount them without permission...

My April pure Ameracuana pullets are kicking in laying, so are the May Marans pullets..... Yep egg basket is getting full again, since the older EE's are taking a bit of a break..


Nope, not true--the April hatched and laying hens will sit still, let him mount and do the deed. I just think he can sense that it would be a waste of time to fertilize a nonlaying pullet--especially given he is the lone male in a flock of 40.
We got eggs!!! Two of them!! The EE, Harley was the first to lay at 22 1/2 weeks! Bless her little pea pickin heart!!!
Now if I could figure out how to send ya'll pictures...we'd be in business!!

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