May 2013 Online Hatching Egg Swap closed addresses sent

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I received my eggs yesterday. I am a little late posting. They are call ducks!! I am so excited, I don't have any calls and I can't wait to hatch them. Any tips on incubating? I have hatched lot's of Khaki, Pekin and Cayugas. Thank you!! 

I'll be back in a little bit with some info for you.
I received my eggs yesterday. I am a little late posting. They are call ducks!! I am so excited, I don't have any calls and I can't wait to hatch them. Any tips on incubating? I have hatched lot's of Khaki, Pekin and Cayugas. Thank you!!

This should help. Any additional questions just ask minihorse or me.
wink.png This should help. Any additional questions just ask minihorse or me.
Thanks silkie I incubate mine on their sides, hand turning 2X's a day. 50-55% humidity for forced air incubators for days 1-23 and 60-70% humidity for lockdown and hatch. Mine typically take 25-26 days. Now mind you these last two little buggers have been a challenge and one hatched (with assistance) this morning at 28 days. I've got another in there peeping and carrying on but out it's not ready to hatch yet, figuring on tomorrow for it. I did have some temperature problems with that incubator so that us why these are probably a couple days behind. My greys typically pop out like popcorn. The one I had to help was a snowy from my show hen and I get one from her every once in a while that needs some assistance. It pipped on it's own but after 36 hours past I intervened. I slowly peeled the shell back and when I got to a spot that still had veins I quit and put it back in the incubator for a few hours with a wet paper towel draped over the egg and duckling so they didn't get stuck. Once I got it almost half way down the egg I left it to do the rest. Within a couple hours I had this.
My eggs came today! All in perfect shape! Thanks Amanda! I need to get those Polish eggs off to you, I am a bit behind right now and prefer to ship early in the week. Will keep you posted.So excited, bantam eggs! Yay!
Thank you Silkie Sensations and Minihorse! It's so hard sometimes reading some info on the internet about the calls and well any other thing I look up! I am very thankful to have you guys here!
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