May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

I've been loving this hatch-a-long thread and seriously, I really want to hatch out some new ducklings now ...
However, I set 22 eggs Tuesday of last week: 19 ameraucana eggs (blue or splash chicks) and 3 ameraucana mixes. I candled them tonight and I could easily make out developing chicks in at least half of the eggs, but some of these eggs are really opaque. Maybe I need the room to be even darker? The incubator's display lights were still on next to me.
Here are two lively ones:
View attachment 2137028

View attachment 2137029

And a number of them looked like this (excuse my cell phone photos!):
View attachment 2137031

Turning them, I could see a slightly darker side and a slightly lighter side, but making any veins out was impossible/I felt like I was seeing things. Is this normal? I hatched out ameraucana last year and I don't remember having this issue, but it was the first time I had incubated chicken eggs ...

I would imagine the slightly darker side you're seeing is the growing chick from your description.
Hi everyone.
I candled my duck eggs tonight, I’m on day 19.5
I’m concerned because some of the air cells are too small at this stage (I’m going off of the egg air cell growth graph I found on this site) and a few other eggs seem right on track. I’m not sure what I should do!? Should I lower the humidity?
ive attaches some photos here of the small air cell and one of the eggs with a larger air cell. There also doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason with where they are in the incubator. It’s not like the whole bottom row is larger air cells and the top is small. They are all over the place.


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Finally!!! I'm so glad you were able to get some babies!

My daughter and I are so happy to finally have some baby emu. The other half surprised me over a month ago and said he paid for an unrelated pair, but we thought it was never going to happen! Got the text they were ready at 10am this morning. We were NOT READY for them lol

Holy crap we have a baby boom going on this next week. Chicks hatching by Friday, turkey hatching by Monday/Tuesday, more chicks hatching next Friday, more chicks hatching the following week:th

Hehe, love it!
Batch 3 is pipping. Batch 4 is locked down. Batch 5 is 5 days from lockdown with Batch 6 three days later. Batch 6 is FBCM that is a 7-8 on the chart so even though today is candle day, I've found I can't see a darn thing until day 18. At that point I can see clears and early quitters as the shell becomes light enough to candle into.
Wow, you are really going to town on your hatches! BCM are what we just hatched, but our shells weren’t so dark. Who are the eggs from? Best of luck!

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