MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

I have 14 eggs under a hen that are due tomorrow 18th.

I also have 24 eggs in an incubator at my daughter's school. I have a hen sitting on 5 golf balls waiting for these.

All are a mix of RIR, Buff Orpingtons, and what I think are Plymouth Rocks with a RIR rooster.

Can't wait. I could hardly work all day. I kept coming down the the house to check and see what I could here. I guess there is a downside to having your office next to the house.
Good luck on your hatch!

Gotta be better than my first one for this month.

I have more eggs to stick in the bator, but now I'm thinking I should give them away.

I just picked up a used Sportsman yesterday. Everything seems to be working, but the heat source. Guess I have to wait to do anything about it right now though since youngest son is graduating JH, stepson and oldest grandson are both graduating HS and wasn't expecting to lose both of my parents this past month and that was an additional expense with traveling for my dad's funeral that I could barely afford, so next month for the big bator. But when it's up and running I'm filling that big boy up!

Anyone have eggs????
Thanks, Wolftracks! I found the avatar funny and rather appropriate for the LV area. The whole thing is made of candy... The stage, the pole, the furniture. The curtain is actually beeswax.

Did you crack open any eggs to see how far along they were when they quit?

I just did the forensics on the four sex-links that didn't hatch. Their air cells were all over the place (probably detached in shipping) and so the three full-term ones probably pipped low and drowned. One was kind of soupy for me...most likely quit around Day 17. I had divvied up the eggs at candling into strong ones and ??? ones. Sure enough, it was the ??? tray that had the nonhatch.

My eggs were shipped from two different sources at different times (grrrr.....) and so one batch had to set in a cooler for 4 extra days. And who knows, really, how old or far along eggs are when sent to you from parts unknown? I was just amazed that 16 all hatched within 18-24 hours.... Two straggled to the next day.

But overall I'm REAL happy with the results.... 90% fertility on the eggs and 82% hatch rate in a 20+ y.o. still-air LG.

As suggested, do some forensics to see where the problem lies. When you know better, you do better!

I grew up in Oakland, too! Folks still there. I then did stints at Davis, Auburn, Newcastle, Walnut Creek before moving out here to the Las Vegas valley (where the cost of living is far cheaper than ANYTHING in the Bay Area)
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Looky what hatched at my farm over the weekend!!!!!







My Mille Fleur cochin hen is still sitting, I don't see any shells or any sign of hatching,
, they were due to hatch on Sunday.
But I still have 3 other broodies and two incubators running.
And two more foals due as well, its a very busy spring here.
Happy hatching everyone!
I have 2 chicks out and 21 more to go. I also have ducklings to hatch but not sure how many really will as I have had a bunch of problems with them.
What a cutie! I swear, babies are the best part of the horse biz..... So know-nothing cute when born. Hopefully you didn't have to spend too many sleepless nights waiting for the foal. (have you tried the Predict-a-Foal kit? It's worth its weight in gold for taking the guesswork out of when the blessed event will happen)
What a cutie! I swear, babies are the best part of the horse biz..... So know-nothing cute when born. Hopefully you didn't have to spend too many sleepless nights waiting for the foal. (have you tried the Predict-a-Foal kit? It's worth its weight in gold for taking the guesswork out of when the blessed event will happen)

Get cheap spa test strips from your pool supply store or Walmart (make sure they test for calcium in ppm), the secret ingrediant (fluid in the bottle) in those predict a foal kits is distilled water!
But I don't use them, had too many mares foal without milk coming in before hand. It gives a false sense of security. I rely on my gut feeling, and video cams in the stalls lol, I do pretty good this way. Everyone has there own way, this is just mine.
I have 9 assorted Turkey eggs in lock down 9 meaties 3 White Rocks together for a Thurs/Fri hatch In another incubator 9 French Cuckoo Marans in lock down for Friday there's about 5 eggs in the mix that I don't think will hatch but you never know....I have the hardest time waiting it must be because I hand turn them and now it's just waiting waiting humidity is only at 60% I hope it goes up a little more I have the same amount of water as usual and it's even sprinkling outside oh well
Good luck with your hatch!

Any way to dribble some extra fluids into the bator? I found that just adding like half a teaspoon splashed through a vent hole upped the humidity significantly.
Day 21, and nothing. My LG temps at the top of eggs were running fine before lockdown, but now they refuse to come up. Super low like 93-94, and I'm afraid to bump it.

Any hope they could just be late? I'll leave them in there, but I'm not feeling good about it.

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