May Hatch Thread--Fill up those bators n' broodies!

We're moving the broody to the abandoned duck coop...Dad's still oblivious. The eggs were left in the garage for a couple of hours, does anyone know if they are still OK? This is about day 3 right now
So today at day 10 incubation, I candled the eggs, and one of them is a double yolker, I could see two embryos moving around! I know the chances of them hatching is low, but it still was a little exiting to see twins. Maybe we will get lucky and they will make it.
So today at day 10 incubation, I candled the eggs, and one of them is a double yolker, I could see two embryos moving around! I know the chances of them hatching is low, but it still was a little exiting to see twins. Maybe we will get lucky and they will make it.
. That would be to cool ! Here's to twins
It is possible for them to make it! There's a video on youtube somewhere on twins. You will probably need to assist them though
Do you have a pic of your eggs in the cartons???? How do you turn them?????? My bator is still air this time round. Last month all I got was slow cooked scrambled egg!
The last home made fan BAtor at least gave me two live chicks and 6 fully formed dead ones This bator gave me mush!!!!!!

I just don;t want mush again this month. Maybe I am asking daft questions but am double checking everything.

The eggs have been rested for over 24 hrs now. They came in the post I never ordered them so they came when we had nothing quite ready yet! only just ditched the scrambled eggs from the last disaster.

Oes -

I place them in the egg cartons at lockdown. I go to lockdown on Monday, I will post you a picture then. But many will place the shipped eggs in the cut down cartons and incubate them in there too. They use a book or a block of wood under the edge of the egg carton to tilt the egg like the turners do. One side with the eggs tilted, then the other side.
I place them in the egg cartons at lockdown. I go to lockdown on Monday, I will post you a picture then. But many will place the shipped eggs in the cut down cartons and incubate them in there too. They use a book or a block of wood under the edge of the egg carton to tilt the egg like the turners do. One side with the eggs tilted, then the other side.

I place a sturdy box under the whole incubator so I don't open it. Not under the egg carton .

Day 19, and I now have two hatched. They are proceeding to play kickball with the other eggs!
One more is zipped, and has one leg out now. luckily I have to be out of town all day tomorrow, so there will be no temptation!
Second row from the bottom 3rd egg from the right has hatched, It is a big fluffy grey chick.
Day 23 arriving in 2 hrs.

Hatch rate so far: ...... 15.6%

I'll be patient, but don't have high expectations. Bantam rooster is probably too small for our Black Rock hens.

Candled day 8. Out of 16 eggs one clear. One too dark to see. 14 have good movement and development. Great so far on my first try

Hope they hatch

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