May Hatch Thread--Fill up those bators n' broodies!

So 2 Lil chickies out but the 3 that were trying are still trying!!! Do I intervene ? Idk... Maybe tomorrow. I'm afraid of ruining it for the other eggs.
Hope I didn't jinx it, joining a hatch-a-long!
So 2 Lil chickies out but the 3 that were trying are still trying!!! Do I intervene ? Idk... Maybe tomorrow. I'm afraid of ruining it for the other eggs.
When was day 21??????????? I am on day 24 and still have hatching going on on thier own.
One that I thought was not going to make it out.finally hatched after a day and a half trying...................
Just never know...........they are so much smarter than we are...................
We are so attached, I started a June hatch a This is quite a chatty friendly bunch!
Might as well be chatty - if you try to talk to people in today's "normal" world - they look at you like you have lost ALL of your marbles - LOL!! At least on here we all have something in common. Sorry about your chicks (and the crappy day) - I was really hoping the best for you're hatch.
Looks like I'll be joining you all in the June thread - remember: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~Albert Einstein

And be thankful you have to LOOK for the coyotes - I deffinately wouldn't look for them without a gun - around here they have gotten so brave you don't have to look for them - they will find you. One has chased my husband through the yard, a different one (and different day) one trapped my cousin on the ladder rack of a truck someone had to chase it away before he could come down, and my neighbor's wife is afraid to go outside because they seem to like their back yard (and her pugs!) We have lost a couple of dogs and some cats to coyotes as well - one of our dogs was taken right outside our door in broad daylight. They will just pick the small animals up in their mouth and run away with them. Needless to say - we no longer have small dogs! We now have an Australian Shepherd and two Australian/German shepherd mixes - the food bill is higher - but my peace of mind is much better knowing that my children can go outside to play without getting taken by a coyote (and I haven't lost any more animals). My Aussie (the one in my profile pic) sent three of them on their way with tails tucked just a few weeks ago - they came too close to the yard and got their tails handed to them! You could hear them yelping all the way to our property line!! Some people say they do not run in packs - but around here they do. I DO NOT like coyotes!!
They can ruin a small farm almost over night!
Coyote populations are booming around me and yes, they have been running in packs. They do especially in winter when it is cold and food is scarce. I prefer to mount them vs. just shoo them away ;) but that might be because i am a taxidermist.
[COLOR=008080]When was day 21??????????? I am on day 24 and still have hatching going on on thier own.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008080]One that I thought was not going to make it out.finally hatched after a day and a half trying...................[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008080]Just never know...........they are so much smarter than we are...................:lol: [/COLOR]

Well the 17th was day one of lock down... But one hatched at day 16th... One pipped day 16 too and that's one of them still trying to get out. Hoping its not dead.. It was peeping last night.
So 2 Lil chickies out but the 3 that were trying are still trying!!! Do I intervene ? Idk... Maybe tomorrow. I'm afraid of ruining it for the other eggs.
How long have they been trying?

I keep an electric heating pad on hand - plug it in, turn it to the LOWEST setting - let it sit for about 10 minutes to warm up (you can place it in a plastic tote, cardboard box, on the floor, etc). While thats warming up - find a fairly large tupperware type bowl and wet a cloth in warm water - roll the cloth and lay it on the heating pad then put the bowl upside down on the cloth - just so the cloth holds one side of the bowl slightly off of the heating pad for ventilation. Now quickly grab the eggs that need help and put them under the bowl - now you can safely help them one at a time without risking the remaining eggs. Once they have completely hatched you can put them in the brooder instead of putting them back in the incubator. This might sound crazy but I have actually hatched eggs this way that were abandoned on day 10 or so by a broody hen - so just putting them on a heating pad long enough to assist in their hatch would not be a problem. The bowl helps contain the heat and the wet cloth gives them the moisture they need. Hope this helps.
No fan, just still air. I tookout one of the plugs to hopefully get the humidity down. It went up to 60% while I was gone. Should I just wait until it drops or try to suck some of the water out with an eye dropper?

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