Maybe not an illness


11 Years
May 23, 2008
Cumberland, VA
I have a giant partridge cochin rooster, he had gorgeous feathers, but now they appear shaggy on his back and a little on the neck. Kind of like a silkie's. Any Ideas, i dont think it is mites.
Also check very carefully along the feathers, especially near the skin, for parasites. They can do some damage to those feathers as they eat the protein that makes up feathes. They're tricky to see, just focus on a spot and watch for movement. I find that their necks are a good place to check as they're not as downy.

Also agree it could be just feather wear for an upcoming moult to replace. But I always check for those parasites.

By the way, that type cannot be rid with ivermectin. They don't take blood. You'd have to use a good dust on the birds and their premises, especially the nesting boxes.
Thanks for your responses. I frequently DE everything but it has been so wet, I guess I will have to "bath" him in the powder.

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