
Here is a recipe for "miracle whip". I have no idea if it works but it got a 5 star rating on recipezaar.


* 2 egg yolks
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1 tablespoon powdered sugar
* 3 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar
* 1 1/2 cups oil
* 1 1/2 tablespoons flour or cornstarch
* 1 teaspoon dry mustard
* 1/2 cup boiling water
* 2 tablespoons vinegar
* salt


Using a blender or electric mixer, blend egg yolks, salt, sugar and 1 tablespoons of the lemon juice.
Slowly pour in 1 cup oil, a few drops at a time, mixing thoroughly.
Add remaining 1/2 cup oil a little faster, carefully blending in each bit before adding the remaining 2 tablespoons lemon juice.
Mix the flour, mustard, boiling water and vinegar together until smooth.
Pour into a small saucepan and cook until smooth and paste-like (but not too thick).
Slowly add this hot mixture to the mayonnaise and blend well.
Pour in a container and cool in the refrigerator.​
Just made some mayonnaise for us last night. It is so very, very good. A neighbor has tried it and now I make it for them also. No one will eat Miracle Whip here anymore. ha ha I used to swear by Miracle Whip...just shows how your taste changes over the years. I hope for those who do love Miracle Whip will try greenmullberry's recipe and tell us how it turns out.
I just made this for the first time. It turned out perfect the first time! Thanks MP! I was outraged to see the price of mayo when i was last at the grocery store. Another way I can fight inflation.
No one here will even touch Miracle Whip, so I never buy it. I have a friend though whose family loves it, so I will pass this recipe on to her to try. Thanks so much.
I'm getting frustrated now. I've tried 2 times to make the mayo. No success. I went into this with positve thinking. I put the whole egg and one cup of oil in a wide mouth quart jar (then it could stay in there when done) I used a stick blender and as mentioned before it came out looking like yellow oil. I tried again (all room temp) with less oil and still no luck. No change after 4 minutes. Perhaps my stick blender is not whipping fast enough? Should I whip the egg up first till it starts to get stiff and then drizzle in the oil? I'll try a blender next. I do not have a food processor. I make my own blue cheese dressing that calls for mayo and I want to try to make it because it is costly at the store. Please....Can you come and show me MissPrissy?
But even at 1 or 2 minutes into beating, no change. Just yellow oil.
. That is why I'm thinking my stick blender is not fast enough. Is that possible? I want to make blue cheese dressing! I'll do the blender tomorrow when I'm in a better mood. Thanks.
When I started making the mayo...I failed twice. I believe the trick to it is.......put the egg in first and then pour the oil in a very thin stream while beating with the stick blender. I then raise the blender up and down as I am blending it. I also use a tall narrow glass. Hope this helps you? I haven't had a failure since.

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