Mcmurray~Positive experiences wanted~

We ordered our chicks from MMH last February (2007). Since we'd ordered specific breeds and didn't want substitute breeds, the chicks weren't shipped until May.

We ordered all Bantams: Silkies, Silver Sebrights, Araucanas (which are actually Easter Eggers, Mottled Cochins and Black-Tailed Buff Japs...5 of each breed. They included an extra Cochin and the free rare chick. We also spent the couple of extra dollars that it cost, to have all the chicks vaccinated for Cocci and Mareks.

All 27 arrived and there were a few weak ones that didn't make it. MMH gave us credit for the ones who died (6 out of 27). The 21 survivors are all healthy, gorgeous and doing fantastic.

I wouldn't hesitate to order from them again, but Skip bought me a bator as an early Christmas present last year and I'm enjoying hatching my own eggs right now.

You can check out pix of our MMH birds at my website (link under user name/avatar).

I have only ordered chicks once! and it was this year with McMurray
I ordered! pullets except for the BLRW
10 BLRW straight run
4 Partridge Rocks
4 Speckeled susssex
3 EE
3 Australops
2 Black Sexlinks
we got a rare chick and and an extra BLRW

Chicks got here alive! but a few were weak.
lost 4 in the first 3 days and since then all have done super! I figure stress from shipping or failure to thrive.
(we lost 1 black sex link, 2 Speckeled sussex and 1 BLRW) McMurray was great and credited us on all even considering that we had a BLRW and they had sent an extra)

I have another order coming from Ideal in about 2 weeks we shall see how they do!
I'm totally chick addicted and would order from McMurray again in a heartbeat.

They chicks came all the way to Oregon and I think in the future I would order later in the spring.

I had an excellent experience with McMurray.

Like I posted on the McMurray Sick Chicks thread, it's not all doom and gloom!

Our order was pretty much a success story!

Our order of 25 chicks (a mix of Barred Rock, Speckled Sussex, Black Australorp, White Rock, Buff Orp and Silver Laced Wyandotte-- 4 or 5 of each), was shipped on the earliest date possible for this season, February 10. We're on the East Coast, so wretched weather was definitely a factor, but we managed to squeak through.

They shipped on Saturday, and our post office called us to pick them up around 6:30 pm on Sunday. One little Barred Rock arrived DOA, sadly, but the rest, although hungry and thirsty (and clearly confused!) did well. We did lose a second Barred Rock at around 3 days old (she just never seemed to grow or thrive, although she was eating and drinking well).

The rest stayed in a brooder box in our house for about a week, until they got waaaay too rambunctious, so we moved them to a brand new coop in our backyard, under two heatlamps and all the food and water they can possibly stuff in their faces.

They're five-ish weeks old now, growing like weeds, and appear to be happy and healthy... and slightly manic.

I should note, though, that although we received the types of chickens we ordered, we didn't receive the amounts of each we ordered-- we have a few more of one breed, a few less of another, and we got a stray Easter Egger for no apparent reason, since we requested that the usual "mystery chick" NOT be included.

So although our experience with McMurray wasn't completely, totally, 100% perfect, it was definitely a success!
I have ordered from MM since 1993 and it has always been a positive experience. I ordered 26 Dominiques. I usually get 50-100 chicks and have had a few DOA but they are usually all very healthy. I will order from them again. I just want to know what went wrong this time. I am 60 years old and helped my mother with chicks when I was a little girl. She got her chicks in cold Colorado. We had a backup kerosene brooder in case of power failures.

I am a retired vet tech and have a 54 acre working farm with 40 head of Dexter cattle, 150 head of Shetland and Jacob sheep, pigs, equines, 2 Boxers, an English Bulldog, 3 Livestock Guardian Dogs, 20 elderly laying hens, ducks, and many barn cats. My animal husbandry skills are very good to excellent. We lose very, very few lambs and only a rare calf.

I am not a beginner and I know that this was not caused by their care after they arrived here. I am waiting for a call from the Poultry Department at U C Davis.

Margaret SW Oregon
Hey, My friend and I ordered 26 + a free rare chick from MM. They were supposed to come on the 17th, but they were a day late. One was DOA and two were on the way out, and have passed on. The rest seem very healthy. They are so beautiful! We got an extra Buff Orp roo too!

I have been reading this board for a while now. I really appreciate the information I have gotten here.
I have always gotten my spring chicks from MM. Only a few years I didn't order from them because I had other chicks already or when we moved from the farm to No. Va.

I have never lost a chick in shipping. I have never lost a chick to illness or disease or even a bad case of pasty butt.

Any losses I have suffered have been my own fault or pure accident.

I had a feeder pushed over on one chick and it got squished. My DH new to chicks dipped one beak too deep and too long and the poor thing drowned
I have also had a cat get one paw in the crate and kill one.

The loss was all user error. Those losses are also over a 20 year period.

This past fall I raised the jumbo cornish cross rocks that have an extremely high mortality rate due to their fast growth. I did not have any loss or illness. Not one.

I have always gotten healthy chicks from MM. I have never used another commercial hatchery for my chicks.

I will continue to order from them.
My MM order was last May (warm weather), and all 25 were perfectly healthy. One did turn out to be an accidental roo though.
I ordered 25 RIR from mm last April and only lost one it was very small, but on the way home i stopped at the co op and bought some terramycin, and as i took each chick out of the box i stuck his beak in the terramycin water and used it about 2 weeks, Now they are laying every day and look great, since i only wanted 12 i sold half of them for a profit, i am very satisfied with mm and would order from them again if dh would let me.

Owned by 13 RIR.1 pitt bull, 1 poodle mix1 yorkie,1 great dane,1 crabby gray cat and most of all 1 (I think) perfect dh of 54 years.
I have ordered from MM.I have always had good luck with them.I have lost a few in shipping,but for the most part always have been extremely happy with them.
I read on here every once in a while that a person has had a bad experience with them,that is unfortunate,but bound to happen now and then.They have been in business a long time and shipped MILLONS of chicks over the years.I think when you read about something bad it is not even a drop in the bucket compared to the numbers that are good. will
The only positive experience I've had with McMurray was that they appeared professional when I ordered my chicks.

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