mean maran

It seems that you have sufficient space to change things around a little.
Welcome to BYC!

Baptism by fire for sure, I'm assuming these are your first chickens ever?.......chickens can be vicious.

Definitely separate with a wire mesh barrier/wall, each with their own feed/water.
After they calm a bit, maybe a day or two, move feed/water stations next to wire barrier so they get used to eating near each other.

Pics of your coop if you need help figuring out how to so the wall.
I used two 2x2x8's stapled chicken wire on the width of my coop and screwed to walls, pretty easy to put up and take down, rolls for storage.
problem solved I got rid of this bird first thing this morning.... just WAY to much for me to deal with. thanks to all for the input Otto.
Hmmm...if you get rid of every bird who fights during integration, you may never have more than one bird.
well getting it out seemed to be my only option... the three birds I have left are getting along very well. they have their little dust ups and a peck here and there witch is totally acceptable Today for the first time they can all eat, drink and hang out on the roost together.... peace has come to the Chapin chicken house at last.
well getting it out seemed to be my only option... the three birds I have left are getting along very well. they have their little dust ups and a peck here and there witch is totally acceptable Today for the first time they can all eat, drink and hang out on the roost together.... peace has come to the Chapin chicken house at last.
Ohh .....your first post(quoted below) in this thread said you only had two...yep, really mean birds sometimes are better in the pot.

when I say mean I am talking down right nasty... just got my first two birds an EE and a BCM. The maran is beating the snot out of the EE every time it trys to eat water or go to roost. the only time it is safe is when its on top of the feeder. the minute she comes down WHAM. its hard to watch... I have thought about putting up another roost, a second feeder and a second water dish so they don't have to compete for territory. does this sound like a viable option or are some birds just a lost cause??? This whole thing has got me stressed out .... I cant imagine how my EE feels.... any words of wisdom would truly be appreciated Otto
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I am not surprised by the behavior. Marans (while not all, but some) tend to have a more dominant and confidant attitude, while Easter Eggers (almost all - including my own) have a very mellow, even meek disposition. My three are at the very bottom of the pecking order.
Out of curiosity you said they are from the same farm but different coops, did you mean the two birds were not in the same pen & coop when you got them? Because if so they were not 'raised' together which would cause the pecking order issue.
Sorry to hear it didn't work out for ya :(
Sometimes it's a wash.
I bought my first two birds a week ago. had issues with the maran right off the bat. so yesterday I got a RIR that was bigger and more mature than the first two, hoping she would keep the maran in check. however even she could not fend off the maran. so this morning I took the maran back and traded it for the BSL. so now I have the EE RIR and the BSL. the three of them get along really well. as a matter a fact the RIR already gave me an egg and I have only had her for a day.
Way cool! Very nice :)
We have two Easter Eggers and a Red Star from our first batch of hens (lost the other 3 to an owl) and got three new lavender ameraucanas to add to the coop and we ended up doing the separation 'see but no touch' because while our Easter Eggers are very easy going our Red Star is a little more pecky and goes after our newbies a lot. It's helping but taking a really long time. Glad your worked out the second time around :)

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