Mean Pigeons. Help


15 Years
Nov 11, 2008
Vicksburg, MS
HEy, the babies that my pair of pigeons hatched and raised are little ba*****s and bite me whenever i try to pick them up. Is there a way to get them nice or to the point that they don't bite?
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wow that's a new one to me!!!
never heard of a meanie one lol or two!
Every pigeon has their own personality. There are some aggressive meanie butts, and some sweet little guys. I personally like playing with the ones who bite
Pigeons usually aren't much of biters. You could try hand taming them with peanuts and seed so maybe they don't feel the need to defend themselves.
The parents are fine, but all the babies that they have raised have been little meanie buts!!! THey bite me, they wingslap me, and after all i do for them!!!
hehehe, They will grow out of it. But yes each one is differant. I have some that are tame and will eat from your hand others are wild. My first indian fantail pair kills their young at two weeks of age. EVERY TIME!! Needless to say I foster them out to my rollers. My SPanish pouters will bite you HARD, babies and parents. I had one draw blood lol. My problem is with the baby scalpers. I had one hen enter a nest and scalp a baby while I fed the other loft(scalping does happen but usually to babies fallen on the floor).....She wont do that again. I think agressive squeakers in the nest might keep this from happening.

Pigeons rule.
My oldest boy had a pigeon that would sit on his shoulder and they would do the pirate would try to kill itself getting away from me! And I feed them! Have a Indian that follows me around and the Lahores just ignore me...the capuchines blink and seem like they wake-up somewhere new everytime...I think they have mental issues
I have a beautiful white homing pigeon.. gave to me by a sweet little thing who told me she just wanted it to have a better home.. NOw i find out that she scalps every baby she can find. not just hers all of them.
she has a cage to herself now and im seeking a better home for her also.
I hate her.
she has killed two of the most beautiful white birds I ever saw.

the poster who said "she wont do that again" has given me ideas.

anyone want her?

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