Mean roo


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 9, 2010
Southern TN
I have a roo (who is the son of my late roo) who is not very nice to the ladies! He doesn't court them just chases them around and jumps them whenever he has the urge. He is so unlike his dad who was the kindest roo I've ever met. That makes me mad, but I know its just nature. But recently he has decided to beat the mess out of one of the hens. She is submissive to him and gets bred on a regular basis (evident from the missing feathers on her poor back). The other day he chased her all around the pen then when she finally layed down he stood in front of her and pecked her head over and over. He kept grabbing her comb and pulling it up then smashing her head down to the ground. I have not witnessed this behavior before so it wsa quite disturbing. I picked him up and moved him to isolation. He isn't very happy by himself, but I don't want him beating up the girls. She was so stressed that she just layed there in the spot he had her in and panted for at least 5 minutes (I left her alone after that). Now I don't know what to do with the roo. Attached to him because he is friendly to people and because we LOVED his dad so much. He is only about 9 months old. Could it be inexperience with the ladies? His dad would walk around and watch over the girls at feeding time, always letting them get their fill before he took a bite. Not Camo, he finds feeding time to be a good breeding time.
Isolate him and put a little apple cider vinegar in his water. It helps calm him down. Do this for a few days. If he doesn't change after that... To the crockpot! The hens are top priority in my flock.
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He will probably calm down with age. (I saw a change in mine at about a year old.) People on here have had success with putting the roo on lock down for a day when they see aggressive behavior. I guess I am not one to give up on a rooster without trying to work with him.
I would separate him from the hens with occasional visits to see if his attitude improves. Given no improvement in his "technique", off with his head. His actions may actually hinder egg production because of stress upon the hens.

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