Mean rooster going to meet with an accident.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
Well "rocky" the barred rock turned out to be a roo. He is the 2nd biggest in the bunch and mean as all get out. Jealous too.
When we come out to the barn, he starts crowing and picking on the other chickens. Once we leave he grabs a chicken by the neck and stomps it a couple times till it squalls and lies down. He then rips a feather or 2 out of the bird and walks off to pick another fight.
The other subordinate roosters have started duplicating his behavior today.
I think we are going to have to go Soprano on ol Rocky.

I know he is just claiming his harem but he is going to damage one of the birds and give disease an opportunity.
Any issues with removing the dominant Roo?
I say that Rocky should be sleeping with the fish.
Maybe you should start calling him "Three piece dinner with slaw" for a few days and see if that makes him change his nasty habits.

Now the other roosters are starting to follow suit.

The #2 in command is a lot smaller and not quite as rough on the hens so he will probably get a shot at "Top Roo" for a while and see if he beats them up too bad.
This kind of behavior earned our BO rooster a trip to freezer camp. The final straw came when he came at me when I was cheking the nesting box.
I DESPISE mean roosters! My grandma used to have one that would attack me when I was just wee bity, shoot I was like four! Well, he didn't last long. My dad used to get bullied by the roosters his parents had. He got fed up with it and beat one to death with a root.
I love chickens though(the nice kind

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