Mean rooster


(I've got to make myself a sign like THAT ! )

Wow! Lots of good info, thanks folks. It is very difficult to catch this guy, and to make things worse, he's almost never been held because of it. We got him when I was at a feed store in ojai.. The guy asked me, "you want acfree rooster?" I guess they can't keep him when they start crowing cause they are in town. So yeah he had never been held there, and he's never been held here either because he's so darn quick. He's probably as wild as can be.
I have caught him before, but it takes a partner. He won't even come to me for treats, just stays with the girls while they are eating and eyeballing me.

There are really only two good things about him. He is very good to the hens, won't even compete with them for food everything he finds, he calls them. I know he'd do anything to protect them. And he's a pretty rooster- I don't mean in any breed standard sort of way, just cause he's brightly colored. But I will practice catching him and holding him. In the coop before I let them out he should be easier to catch.

Thanks for all the advice!
Haven't read all the posts but some breeds the roos lean that way, sometimes. If you intend to breed you need to keep him seperate.

Wishing you the best


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