Mearns Quail


7 Years
Mar 20, 2012
Corapeake NC
Just thought I'd share a few pictures of the new Mearns Quail. I've had them for about a month now, but today was the first day I was able to get decent pics.

-- I'm also still trying to find out if any of you have Mearns; please respond if you do.

Is it just me, or does this guy look like he is a small sculplture? haha

Hobby/Conservation of the species. People do eat them when hunted in the wild (and the populations are VERY low), but I would say anyone who would eat them in captivity would be crazy --- Pairs go for $250-$450 each and eggs can sell for $30 an egg.

I've seen people describe these birds as an artist who took a piece off of every single quail, and composed them all into just one quail.

Like I said, I haven't had them too long, but am really enjoying them so far. It took me months to even be able to find any for sale.
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These birds run wild in my territory and occasionally they are drawn in by the calls from my Bobwhites. Especially in the fall when my birds are calling in for the winter covey. They are becoming rare around here and in the wild. Gorgeous birds.

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