measuring wet bulb or dry bulb humidity


6 Years
Apr 18, 2016
I am thoroughly confused on the difference between how to measure wet bulb or dry bulb humidity . My incubator has a built in humidity gauge , is that the wet or dry bulb? I know you should know both but I have no idea what the difference is or how to measure it. I have a combination thermometer barometer I bought in the incubator and the barometer reads different from the built in one of the incubator. It reads the humidity lower. How do I know which is right? I have looked this up on the internet but everyone gives such a complicated technical description that I just don't under stand it. Can anyone simply explain it to me.
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If it has a built in gauge I believe it could still have either a wet or dry bulb. If it was a wet bulb I understand that there should we a "wick" that gets wet.... I bought a cheap incubator off eBay that has a dry bulb (it is mounted on the lid of the incubator) I also bought a separate "weather station" to put in the incubator to tell me the temp and humidity which read much different then the temp and humidity on the incubator so I went with the reading from the weather station... Make sense?
Thank you so much, My incubator does not have the wick but now that you have mentioned the wick I think I remember seeing a picture of one of those being used. So I think I get it now. Maybe I will have to research the net on how to make one of those. I surely do appreciate your info.

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