Meat Birds and Coryza


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
Stark County, NE Ohio
I have a question. I have been reading alot about coryza as I wondered if one of my hens had it. Well, I quarenteened her. Not sure yet, I don't think it is. Anyway, I have 8 meat birds in my brooder. They are no where near the others, I know if it is coryza it is highly contagious and I need to handle my chicks before the hen. How will this effect my meaties? Will my meat birds, they will be in a seperate coop, about 100 feet away with our house between the coops, be safe to eat. If they do get coryza and survive can we still eat them. Thanks.

So far, I have gotten concerned over several things, and all ended up ok, I NEED TO QUIT READING THE EMERGENCY SECTION, LOL!! My chickens have been fine, but this time it may be coryza, I hope not. I don't need advice with the coryza, I know what to do with my hen, but what about the meaties?


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well here's the thing, you might have just one bird with coryza, but that's pretty unlikely.
I would suggest staying off of the emergency threads, isolating your sick bird, giving your meaties a good dose of PoliVisol (vitamins) in their water for a couple of days, then ACV in their water for a couple of days, then some yogurt added to their food for a couple of days.

The vitamins will give them a boost, the ACV will act as a mild cleaning agent in their gut, and the yogurt will reintroduce good probiatics. All these are actions to keep your birds strong and healthy to butcher day, as you don't really want to medicate something that is A) not sick, and B) only four weeks from butcher.
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