Meat Rabbits - something other than CA, NZ, or FW?

I like Americans because they have nice loins and are a little more rare. I also like the silver foxes. They do grow out faster and I keep picturing a coat made out of the hides.

If you could wait till the ARBA nantional convention and could find someone coming from your state that would be willing to transport for you I may be able to line up some for you. There are a lot of local Filver Fox breeders around me.
Hmm, that might work. When's the national convention and where is it? Not sure if I can find someone but that's certainly the best lead/offer I've gotten so far! Where exactly are you?
Definitely helps! How did you find a breeder that would hold bunnies for you? I'm having trouble finding breeders for these breeds period. I like the D'Argents as well but like the rex and fox a little more. Not that it would help, can't find D'Argents here either.

I tried looking at the ARBA website and it doesn't help me much in So Cal. No breeders for the breeds I'm looking for and no shows close enough either. Most of them are in central CA or further north.

I found these breeders all through Craigslist. I tried to find listed breeders in the Breed Club Websites, forum groups, ect. and had NO luck, zilch, nada. The best thing I found to do was do a lot of emailing as soon as you see a new ad on Craigslist. I started looking in earnest about four weeks ago. At first I was really dissapointed I thought it would be much easier. But the more I looked the more I realized that you have to check daily for new ads because as soon as the bunnies were sold the sellers were pulling the ads off the site. I also got my hutches through Craigslist, custom made hutches from a guy who builds them to your specifications -- he also builds custom chicken coops too.

The people I ended up speaking with on the phone were the one's that allowed me to hold a bunny with them, I just had to ask. None of them had an issue with it, especially since my NZ won't be ready to leave the breeder for another month.
Sounds like you are looking for a Silver Fox Rabbit. Great for meat, wonderful laid back rabbits, great mothers, and wonderful pets. They are called the "Teddy Bear" of the rabbit world. Out on the west coast you should not have any problem finding a good breeder. There is even a yahoo group for West Coast Silver Fox Breeders. You can also try Craigslist. Most good breeders will let you come and look at a litter before they are ready to go and even hold 1 or 2 for you.
The Silver Fox are large rabbits 10 to 12 pounds that have nice size litters 6 to 10 and will raise everyone of them. They come in a few different colors, black and blue being the most common.

Here is a picture of my Doe with a 8 week old litter:


And she is by herself:


Just love their fur.

Hmm, that might work. When's the national convention and where is it? Not sure if I can find someone but that's certainly the best lead/offer I've gotten so far! Where exactly are you?

.convention is in Indianapolis Indiana this year. I think it happens in Oct? I will have to look at the ARBA website. If we start searching now we can find a transport by then. I know there will be American breeders from Cali coming so maybe I can figure out who... we can figure it out. We have time.
We have standard Rex's and new Zealand's which are both great. but we crossed them ,and we got huge rabbits,with double the meat.I have a website its www. Theres pics of all the rabbits.We have been raising rabbits for 5 years now.We get about 80 90 rabbits a year.
I'm glad to hear that. Since I was planning to do just that. I have a standard Rex buck, a NZ buck (who is huge) and two NZ does. I figured I'd cross the Rex and NZ and see how it goes.
I love it when you post, you always have great advice! Tried looking on Craigslist yesterday and while I didn't find anyone selling Silver Foxes, someone had an add for other breeds saying they might have Silver Foxes available soon. Woohoo! Haven't contacted them yet but will definitely do that soon. Not only did I find that info, but a mini-farm about 3 or 4 miles away from me is offering classes on all sorts of animal husbandry that I never would have found if I hadn't followed your advice. So excited! There are goat learning classes as well as butchering. Plus, since they are an advocate for being self sufficient, the also have gardening and bee keeping classes. Even though I'd love to have bees, don't know that we could do that realistically. We already have raised bed planters but it would be nice to see how other people do it.

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