medicated chick feed fed to ducks

From what Nop169 tells us this was the OLD medicated starter. Katy oviously uses the new. ALWAYS read whats in your feed bag,you know that tag on your bag!!!! That being said I dont use medicated feed for my young ducks because l am fortunate to have a feed store that carries waterfowl starter. easttxchick I feed my all my adult ducks chicken layer pellets mostly Layena but also nutrena,country acres,and HMC. Have been for many years. Yes excersise and greens are great for growing ducks(all ducks for that matter). Always remember my feed store might not have what your feed store has and vice verca. Alot of people on here start their ducks on flock raiser but none of the feed stores here have even heard about it and its PurIna brand I think. I use Mazuri starter but a friend close by uses med chick starter and does well with it for his domestics.(amprol)he said he would use what I use but he has mainly chickens and not many ducks so he just gives them that.
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How sad...

When we got the ducks I did my research. I don't actually like the thought of giving meds to the chicks if they don't need it so I don't feed medicated chick feed anyway. There is one feed store near here that has duck feed but the others do not. If I want my DH to be able to feed our birds I have to keep it really simple, ie one food, one bin of scratch. I think I have found a good compromise between all the birds with the broiler feed which has 18 % protein and is a few $ better for my wallet.

I am sure she misses her pets, I wonder if you let her know what the problem was if she would take them back. It is always tough when we figure out we did something wrong that cost us our pet. But it is much better if we learn, right?

Glad to hear that the rest are looking good!
You know what, Steve, I wouldn't. One paranoid persons opinion. If you can, get game bird starter and cut the protein(to avoid angel wing) by adding some corn into it.
As I said, that is what I would do.
Update on the ducks - the remaining six are now doing great - bright eyed, swimming, quaking & seem to be over it. The previous owner called this morning so I told her my suspicion - she had never been told about medicated feed use in ducks & her feed store did not mention it although she asked for starter to use with ducklings! When I told her my thoughts - she said that had to be right as they only started dying 2 days after she began feeding this feed. She felt aweful! SO sad....
Not sure about safety, but that's an antibiotic and I don't recommend antibiotics unless absolutely called for. My feed store gave me that one day, turns out it was for game birds and turkeys.

I don't use any medicated feeds now, I get my young birds outside on the ground as soon as I can, on the assumption that it helps build natural immunities.

nop169, glad those ducks are now thriving. And that you had a chance to help the giver understand what the problem was. We have 2 local feed stores and I wish I had a dime for every time they have passed on bad info. Most folks are hired because they have retail experience, not for there livestock knowledge.

I raised all of my ducks on medicated starter feed until eight weeks old. The amprolium in the medicated feed is safe for ducks. I even called the makers of Purina and asked. The lady said yes it is safe but they also make a game bird feed that is specially formulated for waterfowl. My feed store sells that gamebird feed but is about double the price of chick feed. I always gave my ducklings pees and extra greens along with the medicated feed.

I raised all of my ducks on medicated starter feed until eight weeks old. The amprolium in the medicated feed is safe for ducks. I even called the makers of Purina and asked. The lady said yes it is safe but they also make a game bird feed that is specially formulated for waterfowl. My feed store sells that gamebird feed but is about double the price of chick feed. I always gave my ducklings pees and extra greens along with the medicated feed.

lol, to keep the predators away? Sorry, couldn't resist.

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