medicated chick feed fed to ducks

Thanks easttxchick and ranchhand ,
I will find something different for them. Feed store had told me it for cocci, but I did wonder about it because I haven't heard of anyone mention it. We just got a new TSC, I will check them out and see what they offer.
Oh dear, one of those unfortunate typos that really makes me have a funnier day! Thank you!

On the serious side, my 4 ducks are terrified of peas! They won't eat anything but Flock Raiser and Layer Pellets.
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I raised all of my ducks on medicated starter feed until eight weeks old. The amprolium in the medicated feed is safe for ducks. I even called the makers of Purina and asked. The lady said yes it is safe but they also make a game bird feed that is specially formulated for waterfowl. My feed store sells that gamebird feed but is about double the price of chick feed. I always gave my ducklings pees and extra greens along with the medicated feed.

lol, to keep the predators away? Sorry, couldn't resist.

Thanks for catching that.

That is exactly what medicated pee is for.
You'll never have a predator problem again.
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I have the red bag of purina Chick Starter/grower that says medicated on front of bag. I've been giving it to my chick/pullets.. Is it safe to give to the ducklings I will have hatching in a few weeks????

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