Medicated feed & eating eggs


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 11, 2007
I mixed the layer feed and medicated chick starter that I had left over together so everyone in my coop is eating some medicated chick starter now. Does anyone know if eating the eggs from the chickens that are eating the medicated feed is bad for us? Thanks. should throw out the eggs till they are off the medicated feed.
Sorry...I know it is hard!! Just wormed mine after finding what looked like linguine in their droppings...had to throw out all those LOVELY eggs!!
Good luck!
What type of medicated feed was it? Did it contain amprolium? If it has amprolium,you're okay,it's safe to eat the eggs.
I use liquid amprol for my older pullets if I have a cocci outbreak.
It was just the run of the mill medicated chick starter. Not sure of the exact medication...the stuff they always give you when you're raising chicks. You still think I need to throw out the eggs?
Can I convert you to organic?? I will not eat them nor allow my family to eat them. I'll stick by throwing them out...and respect others decisions!
Sorry...just totally organic here in our coop...

Good luck on your decision!
I'm siding with Cheeptrick...sorry.

The word 'medicated' just makes me a little nauseous.
All organic here also. Is there a reason you are giving them medicated feed? Do you have a large amount of chickens? There are some great alternatives to medicated feed.

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