Meet C.J. (pictures galore~)

My mother kept a pet possum for years. I raised several in my younger days, til they were old enough for rehab/release, but she kept one. They are very interesting little critters!
So sorry for your loss. They're just heart-grabbers, aren't they? I knew a girl who did exactly what you did - raised an orphan possum into a great pet. Hers rode on her shoulder with his tail wrapped around her neck -- everywhere!
I am sorry for your loss, I love possums. It is always hard to lose one of our critters no matter what kind they are. He will be waiting over the rainbow bridge for you.
You are a kind and special soul. Thank you for giving CJ a place to call home in this world, and for giving him a life where he knew he was loved, protected and appreciated. It is the very best we can do. I am so sorry you lost him - I wish the two of you could have had much more time together. That adorable little face of his in your early photos
- and their beautiful eyes - I think they are endearing. Wishing you peace.

RIP sweet CJ.

Great job giving this creature in need a home. He lived a short life but a good one! Did you litter train him? What did you feed him besides cat food? Did he come when called? This is so interesting to me!
:aww I am so sorry to hear about the passing of CJ. Keep the happy memories of him alive. You gave him a good life. He sure was a cutie. RIP sweet CJ.
Thanks everyone for your kind words! It's finally gotten to the point where I can go outside without tearing up, and can focus on the good memories without feeling so sad~

Keystone- Yeah! You'd think that they'd have almost like wirey fur, but it's really super soft to the touch~ If you push it all up, it's white underneath, so I would give him mohawks and stuff~

Amazon- They're definitely very interesting! I used to be worried 'cause his teeth were so big, I wasn't sure if they needed something to chew on~ But apparently they just have big scary teeth, heehee!

BFeathered- That very same tail can be troublesome when it's time for them to go to bed! You think you've got all the limbs covered when you go to put them back, but then that tail snatches out and clings to your arm or leg~

AngieChick- I was so worried he'd get wild and try to attack me, but he never did, even as a fully intact male~ So I hope he realized that I only wanted what was best for him...

apbgv- Thank you! I always see a life as a life, and it hurts when one is ended. I've cried over hamsters, fish, even a tarantula!~

jjthink- They do have really pretty eyes! I definitely really miss him, but I just try and tell myself that I did the best I could by him, and that he lived a lot longer than he would have in the brush. I loved him, and in his own little way, he loved me, and I feel all the more special getting to have known him.

krcote- Yes I did manage to litter train him! Like any other animal, they don't like to sleep where they go to the bathroom, so by placing a litterpan at his favorite "spot" I managed to get him to go there and only there~ And as you probably know, (if you live anywhere with an opossum) they eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Honestly, he was like a little garbage disposal~ He loved cat food, (and my mom spoiled him with dog treats), bananas, grapes, chicken, worms, tomatoes; but his absolute FAVORITE was applesauce~ I get a smile on my face whenever I eat some. And he kinda came when he was called? My mom said that being out in the sun all day kinda fried his brain, so he wasn't exactly super-smart? But if I sat on the floor he'd crawl into my lap and lay down~

chick4chicks- Thanks! I'm doing my very best! I even got an opossum stuffed animal to hug when things get too bad~
Sorry that you lost your friend. Just like a beloved never hurt a fly dog which kills a neighbors flock, all types of animals can have their good and bad days in relation to pred vs pet, so I don't think you have to worry about making anyone feel guilty. I think we have another member who has also raised a few babies too! I want to say it was luvmychicknkids.

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