Meow Meow Monday!!!

Not sure I posted this one before. It's Shy. He disappeared in late November early December. Either run off by another cat or taken by something.




We where playing while making the bed. The loaf in front of him is Isabelly his sister. I miss him.
Time to bump this thread...



Meet Wisp, one of the feral/stray cats hanging around my yard. I saw him kill a squirrel, which means he's a mouse, shrew, and mole killer, and therefore is welcome. He talks a lot, but as he appears to have Flame-point Siamese in his heritage I'm not surprised. Both of my Siamese were vocal.

He's getting canned food because one by one I am trapping ferals in order to get them neutered (TNR), and canned food is what attracts them to the trap.

He's not ready to be petted, maybe someday. Yesterday Alice let me gently stroke her back as she ate.

Alice sleeping under the bird feeders :lol:

Here they both are, sunbathing:
This is Barnie the stray I've been working with. He showed up I think in December. He was very emaciated and barely moved from under the tree in the front garden of the house.

Been feeding can and dry food. He gobbles them both up. He's been been gaining weight and confidence. He gets along well with my other cats too. He well let me pet his back but if you pit your hand in front of his face with out cand cat food he swipes at it moves off a step and will give you this look of disdain. Like how dare you put you your hand out to my face.

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