Mercy Killing Assistance

Thanks for your advice and compassion fishnet1971. I hadn't thought of the towel but now I can't beleive I might have done it without it!

It's strange. I've lost lots of birds to predators, seen their lifeless bodies, etc. But there's something so different about actually doing it yourself.
Ooh, I'd say if you're not good with an axe, avoid using it at all costs! My husband used to do this the same way yours does, but somehow didn't get the axe all the way through and the poor rooster ran around "like a chicken with no head" for about 3 minutes before finally passing. It was horrifying, we couldn't catch him to put him out of his misery, and my husband felt guilty for weeks afterwards :\

Do you have a pellet rifle? If so, I'd used that -- it's now the preferred method in our house, as it doesn't make nearly as much noise and the chicken never sees it coming, so she doesn't get scared. Sans a pellet rifle, yeah, I'd suggest the.22 and aim for the heart (unless you're a good shot and know you can hit the brain in one shot), But do it far, far away from the other chickens, and as far as you can go, with a silencer if possible, because the noise will send them scattering for the hills.

I'm sorry you have to do this :( Good luck.
my vet charged 35 dollars to put my hen down while I got to hold her, it was quick and seemed painless, he did my thoracic injection. Trying to find a neck vein is impossible for the injection, so I would not go with that. It all stinks, so sorry
my vet charged 35 dollars to put my hen down while I got to hold her, it was quick and seemed painless, he did my thoracic injection. Trying to find a neck vein is impossible for the injection, so I would not go with that. It all stinks, so sorry

ohhh that is the best way really. If it can be afforded that would be the best way. My vet charges a lot more than that. You are so lucky tammye.
I think the vet is the best way. However, the drive there may stress or scare the sweety. So I like the fastest way possible. You can sharpen the axe and practice first. I cover their eyes, someone recommended a sock. A .22 is great.

I wonder if some bread cubes soaked in vodka would help. I think I will try that next so I will feel better using an axe on a drunk chicken. It's a sad thing, but sometimes you have to put your feelings aside for the humane act for a pet. I have a good cry after each one. I think that's healthy.

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