metal roofing


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 10, 2012
anyone know how to build the frame for metal roofing panals?

My biggest question is the edge... does the metal flush with the last board on each side of the frame or is there overhang??

any other advice is more than welcome.... I have purchased the panals used... and have run into limited to no infor online to assist me.


I think you are asking if this is the arrangement


Instead of this:


I went right up to the edge of the frame, but placed some drip-edge on the frame before attaching the metal roofing. I also put a generous bead of caulk underneath the edge of the roofing sheets. It has worked very well.

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Here's how we framed ours. It's the first time my DH and I have ever built "anything", so it's not perfect. But we are very happy with it. You can see the first few rows of metal roofing going on in the back. Mine hangs over about 3 -4 inches. I'll add a gutter on the low side this summer.

you can leave an overhang as long as it's not excessive...would guess you would be fine with 6-8 inches.

edit to clarify: i was talking about the 'ends' not the 'sides'. i would support the sides right up to the edge.
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Just lost my PM response to you...I'll try again here lol

First I'll tell you what we didn't like about our roof (remember this is our first attempt at building lol) I wish I left 6" of overhang not 4". But it seems to work just fine as is so I'm not going to worry about it. I also wish we hadn't used 2 clear panels to let the sun in. The girls only use the run for shade and they are constantly dirty from the over hanging trees. The 2x4s on the sides are to support the hardware cloth not the roof so we didn't worry when they didn't reach.
THANKS.... visual is such a huge help!!!!

You are most welcome
Good luck with your roofing project! (We got all our ideas from BYC members, isn't this place great!)
We have a one foot overhang all around the shed. That means we let one foot of metal roofing hang over at the gable ends, but we built "ladders" to support the overhang and soffit to extend the sides. I don't think you want to have too much metal un-supported.

When we purchased the metal, we also got a building manual that explained each step and the options. You might want to go back to your store and check if one is available.

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