Meyer Hatchery - 4 of 15 chicks dead

I live in Indiana, 4 hours away from Meyers. My chicks (meat chicks) were born today, mailed today, and usps says they won't be here until Thursday. I'm hope they are wrong and they come tomorrow. Tomorrow is supposed to be hot, hoping they will be ok. (and come in the mail tomorrow!!)

As far as I know, Meyer ships USPS Express which is 48 hrs or less. You might want to call them and let them know what you've been told. You're paying for the Express shipping and I'd ask USPS who you need to talk to and who can check as to the route the chicks will be taking. Meyer can't be responsible for what happens once the chicks are picked up. Getting verification from USPS might help rush those chicks to you.

As far as I know, Meyer ships USPS Express which is 48 hrs or less. You might want to call them and let them know what you've been told. You're paying for the Express shipping and I'd ask USPS who you need to talk to and who can check as to the route the chicks will be taking. Meyer can't be responsible for what happens once the chicks are picked up. Getting verification from USPS might help rush those chicks to you.


The Meyer invoice shows it was shipped as priority mail 3 day and the scheduled delivery date per the usps tracking shows as Thursday the 12th. If they normally send express 48 hour or less, and shipped it priority since I'm only 4 hours away, and it doesn't get here until Thursday as it shows. I am gonna be upset.

But, I'm want to be positive. So their brooder is all set up, their FF is set up. I am ready for them. Fingers crossed. I will let you know when I get them.

Also tried to quote ghostwolf, just didn't work. Must be lack of sleep on my part.

My loss was due to a postal screw up not a hatchery thing but heat had a hand in it too. Plus they had no access to green gel or water. Things could have been different if they had a chance to drink. I wouldn't blame the hatchery. People have been ordering and receiving chicks in the mail for over 100 years. It has been hot this summer. It would be difficult to know if the chicks needed a heat pack or not. I hate to say the coincidence is just a very sad and unfortunate coincidence. I am sorry you lost chicks. I got 25 once and the mail carrier for some odd reason took them in her car all day and even though it was the next day, I lost 8 within hours of receiving them. That summer was especially hot too.

Yay, I got my chicks today, all 16 are alive and well, and noisy lol. My post office called me and I was there and home again within 20 min. It was funny tho, she wore gloves to carry me the box of chickens. Then didn't want me to open the box inside the post office as other people were in there. Anyway, all are alive and well.

Glad to hear that the chicks go to you in good shape. Have fun with them! Funny about the PO, sounds like they don't get many chicks though.
Yay, I got my chicks today, all 16 are alive and well, and noisy lol.  My post office called me and I was there and home again within 20 min.  It was funny tho, she wore gloves to carry me the box of chickens.  Then didn't want me to open the box inside the post office as other people were in there.  Anyway, all are alive and well.


Oh please, lol. My PO guy brought the scissors to cut them open. And actually, Meyer requests they be opened in the PO and an employee act as witness. Then they can't say they arriced at the PO alive and died on the way home. Although, we were refunded even 2 days after, too.
Ordered 6 chicks that shipped Monday. Arrived today and 6 of 6 are alive and well as of 1:10 p.m. (picked them up around 6 am). First experience with postal chicks and it's been positive thus far - everyone I talked to at Meyer was prompt and helpful. I would definitely use them again.

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