Meyer Hatchery - 4 of 15 chicks dead

The Meyer invoice shows it was shipped as priority mail 3 day and the scheduled delivery date per the usps tracking shows as Thursday the 12th. If they normally send express 48 hour or less, and shipped it priority since I'm only 4 hours away, and it doesn't get here until Thursday as it shows. I am gonna be upset.

But, I'm want to be positive. So their brooder is all set up, their FF is set up. I am ready for them. Fingers crossed. I will let you know when I get them.

Also tried to quote ghostwolf, just didn't work. Must be lack of sleep on my part.

Absolutely, Deb! Don't give up hope. Why it would take 3 days when you're only 4 hrs away, seems a bit strange. Hopefully they don't go through too many check in points.
Please post when you get your chicks!!!

Absolutely, Deb! Don't give up hope. Why it would take 3 days when you're only 4 hrs away, seems a bit strange. Hopefully they don't go through too many check in points.
Please post when you get your chicks!!!

They came today safe and sound all 16 of them. They are currently bedding down for a couple of hours, I'm sure to wake me around 12 or so. They are in my bedroom for the night and tomorrow. Then off to their big kid box for a week or 2, then to their coop. Providing they feather out nicely before it gets too cold.
They came today safe and sound all 16 of them. They are currently bedding down for a couple of hours, I'm sure to wake me around 12 or so. They are in my bedroom for the night and tomorrow. Then off to their big kid box for a week or 2, then to their coop. Providing they feather out nicely before it gets too cold.
Great news, Deb! Congratulations!!!
when I ordered mine last year I ordered 6 and they were all alive. I live in WA state- they mailed on mon. and I got them on thurs. one had a belly button on out side didn't make it. and one was a roo. not supposed to be.

I didn't bother with trying to get replacements.
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Just received our order of 10 chicks this week from Meyer. Granted the weather is very pleasant this week, but they all arrived alive and healthy. The enclosed heat pack was still warm.

Commercial transportation has got to be hard on chicks. Distance and weather certainly plays a role in how well they survive. We chose September because the weather is typically mild. One of the reasons we chose Meyer is their relatively close proximity to where we live so the chicks don't have too far to travel for too many hours/days.

Our first and only experience with Meyers was good. I'll go back to them in the future.
Our chicks came wednesday and all were perfectly fine!!! They are doing great now!

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