Michigan Chickenstock!!! Lansing area, August 1!!!

Speaking of daughters, mine are now bugging me to get some fluffy soft................. silkies

I had a blast there everyone! Watching Shanna drop that rooster and then chase him all around with the help of everyone's kids was pretty funny
She got razzed the whole ride home. She then named the roo Possum because thats what he played whenever she checked on him in the box !!!!
Chickenstock was a blast! It was so fun to see everyone. There was a great turnout, too!

I am uploading pics to my Facebook right now, and I'll post them on the forum later.
Thanks Boyd for taking the roosters! They will provide hours of entertainment for your family

Nice meeting everyone! The girls are enjoying the pullet and rabbit from Vicki.

My kids were asking when we are meeting again!
I must agree, we had a wonderful time!! My kids have been telling their Dad how much fun he missed, he had to work. Even he was bummed he missed it, I think he missed the food more than anything!!

What a perfect place for it, and the weather was beautiful! Best of all was the friends new and old!!

So when is the next one?! I am ready!!
Thanks everyone that was a blast even though we were a little late

Boyd...Seeeee they got to them too! Wear a tin foil hat!

She has names for them. I'll let her post em LOL

Thanks granny for the beautiful chicken

Opa.. My daughter LOVES the smoked chicken. That is no easy feat, she is a picky eater!

It was very nice meeting you guys....Boyd, Vicki, Wynette, Wylies, Chickenlady, Shelley and anyone else who's name I left out

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I agree; Opa's smoked chicken was awesome. Those cheesy potatoes were delicious, too.

And the desserts... Oh man, guys... There was so much to choose from!

Here are some pics, guys! Tag yourselves if you are on Facebook:


(You can see these pics even if you aren't a member of Facebook, as far as I know, since this is a public link).
Man, that was so much fun! It was great meeting all of you. Opa, the chicken was absoultatly wonderful!! Ate 2 helping of it! And those cheasy potatoes, need the recipie for that! It was a wonderful time with old and new friends. After we all left, it started raining cats and dogs! We definately have to do this again! And, Sam, tell Granny that I love my new house chicken!!
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