Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Keep an eye on on any electrical appliances you might have in your coop.

I have a Farm Innovators, Inc. heated fount. When I went out for last check, the darn thing was sparking and popping from the base. My circuit breaker didn't trip so perhaps the fault wasn't enough to trip the breaker. But any spark in the coop could be a disaster.

I unplugged it and brought it in to inspect. I'll do that tomorrow when I can see better just what the problem might be.

Bottom line is that if you have electricity in your coop, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the appliance. Heat lamps, heated water founts and even Thermo-Cubes need to be closely watched.

Keep those birds safe.
When I went out for last check, the darn thing was sparking and popping from the base. My circuit breaker didn't trip so perhaps the fault wasn't enough to trip the breaker.
There another kind of circuit minder AFCI supposed to better?

So glad you caught it!
There another kind of circuit minder AFCI supposed to better?

So glad you caught it!
Yes, I have a GFCI for the coop. I'm not an EE so I really don't know how they work. Or supposed to work. The sparks were within the plastic base that I thought was sealed against the elements.
I'm going to dissect the unit tomorrow to see if I can find any obvious flaw.

BTW, the unit was made in China. Land of quality, eh?
haven't been on for quite a while, wondered how every one did during the Cold snap we had. sounds like most did well. I put a heat lamp in the coop, something I haven't done for about 10 yrs. just left in on the 3 days it was so terribly cold. brought food and water into the coop. All is back outside now and light is off. all the hens seem to have fared well.Hens seem to know it was to cold out stayed inside when the weather dipped to -0
I have extra wood shavings to put out on the mud,that seems to help
Puddles are reducing rather than growing...that's a good thing!
No condensation on the coop ceiling either, despite 90% humidity, rain tomorrow may change that.
Had to go out and check the drains in the farm today, make sure that the runoff was all headed downstream to the creek. Lot of snow melted off today here. Felt really good to be out in a light jacket today.

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