Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Found out today that I lost a mentor and friend yesterday... this has been a really hard day. He was my metalsmithing/sculpture art professor and we've been good friends through it all. He married my friend who I went through college and grad school with. My boss let me leave early from work today and I'll be going to the funeral Thursday. http://www.johnwittersheim.com/bio.html

Sorry for your loss. Its always really hard to lose someone that's meant so much.

Another day has started and I have just finished having the "breakfast of champions" CAKE. Yesterday Hope made a coconut pound cake and due to a mismarked measuring cup it was lacking enough flour and it came out a little moister than usual. I took a slice of it and toasted it in the toaster oven and it came out incredible making an excellent way to start a morning.

Kimmie, RFP (re-inforced fiberglass panel) is a waterproof wall covering often used in commercial bathrooms. Home Depot carries RFP in the paneling section. It is very easy to cut and a plywood blade on a circular saw works well. One side is smooth and the other has a pebbled surface. For dropping boards install with the smooth side facing up.

In my large fowl coop I have 3 roosts 8' long and made the trays to suspend beneath all three. For a single roost I would recommend a width of 18". I would build a simple four sided frame of 1x2s 18" wide and the length would be 1" less than the length of the roost board. After attaching the RFP to the frame with glue and pan head screws attach a small eye hook in each corner and close the eye after attaching a 12" length of light weight chain. Install a eye hook on the bottom of each end of the roost board. The chains will be attached to these hooks to suspend the assembled board. Hopefully this makes sense but if not contact me and I will try to explain it better.

Sadly, with ever increasing frequency, I am faced with the loss of a friend or former co-worker. Each time I feel my world has become a little smaller but also that my world was a lot better for having known them.

My best friend still lives in the town where I attended high school and was employed as a fireman. He and I talk at least once a week and he keeps me informed on items of mutual interest. Quite often of late the conversation is prefaced with "Do you remember" and he then continues to tell me of the loss of yet another friend. While I know it's coming I dread the day his conversation starts with "Do you remember Sam".
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I've a hen who just completed her second brood... Call her Criptoe because both feet have curled toes. She's normally a good mom, high rooster, mean old broad. LOL Lays a big egg when she's not broody. My other hen Beulah, who lost her toe the other night, she's walking around now like nothing new. So, Maybe that high stepping was because there was something wrong with the toe to begin with... Don't know what though. They always looked normal. Even the part that fell of looked normal...
. Not used to replies on this phone! Nova, Remember a year ago or so I told you I had a hen named Criptoe? Anyway she's still kicking with two curled feet!
Morning everyone! Its a snowstorm right now. *sign* Oh! When I will see green again?!?

Sorry for all your losses.

Congrats on any new chicks.

Welcome all newbies!

Now that the my 3 Icelandic chicks are old enough for me to know the gender, they are all females, so who would like to have 3 multicolored pullets? They all have rose comes, a real plus for winter climates. I hatched them in January, so they are feathered out. Asking for $10.00 a piece.

Other than that I don't think that I have news to share. Its been crazy busy here. Have a great day all!
Thanks for the kindness... I don't hold to many friends, and those I do have, I hold close. He was one of those teachers that had an impact on my life, but he was also a friend.

So at the end of the day yesterday my SIL calls and says come n get it!

so I did.

He looks like a indian blue peacock. He had a full tail growing but he lost most of it in the ruckus with us trying to catch him. He's been a pest stray that's been eating their chicken food they finally trapped him in the coop last night and they don't want him. I am not sure if I want to keep or sell him yet. He is beautiful, and his tail is/was as well. For now he's in quarantine until I decide what to do with him.
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silly, so sorry to hear of your friends passing,
always remember the good times

Just when I think I am sooo tired of this snow I hear were someone else has 9-10 inches and I am glad we only have 2

I have a 3 sided shelter with the open end to the east, not much snow in there this winter. I am surprised that the amonia smell in there is noticable. I believe it is due to the wet-ness of the straw and leaves,since the thaw has started. opened another 1/2 of the covered area, If we get some nice weather taking all sides down should fix the problem.
Found out today that I lost a mentor and friend yesterday... this has been a really hard day. He was my metalsmithing/sculpture art professor and we've been good friends through it all. He married my friend who I went through college and grad school with. My boss let me leave early from work today and I'll be going to the funeral Thursday. http://www.johnwittersheim.com/bio.html

I am so sorry to hear about your loss!

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