Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Good morning all!! I have made my way back to the land of chicken. We have had a TON if stuff going on!! DH is finally cancer free and everyone is happy and healthy again!
I hope everyone has been well.
Maah- Everytime I see a post from you it reminds me of my 28 yr old daughter when she wants something, its Maaa ah

LOL - I've been answering to "Maah" for a long time. It's what our goats call me. Ok, well, I like to think they're calling to me "Maah, Maah!!"... but truth is they probably just want their hay. Silly characters. Lots of fun too.
Snowflake - I'm terribly sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is on a family. I lost my two stepsons a few years back 6 weeks apart from auto accidents. One was 16 and the oter one was 11. So, I know first hand how hard it is on a family. Prayers are with you.
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Hello everyone missed alot of days here..

Snowflake So sorry for the loss of your daughter, I just couldnt imagine what your going threw.. Keeping your family in my prayers..

Finally got my taxes done friday..

MommaK Congrats to your husband, that sure is good news.

On all those chicks that grow to full term and die b4 they hatch.. wonder if its to much humidity and when they pip threw the membrane at day 19 if they drown.. I just read this on one of the forums..

Have a good day everyone

tomorrow will be day 7 for my eggs in the bator.. candled a few not all.. and showing signs of fertility.. so hoping i have atleast some hatch out of the 29 eggs..
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Momma K: So nice to hear that DH is cancer free!

Opa: Glad Granny is doing well! I hope she enjoyed church this morning!

So...I'm thinking that the 2 new chicks and the poult are a lot younger than the other chicks that I brought home because they just seem more fragile, and "babyish" still...they will get up to drink and walk around and eat and such, but they are happy to go back to the end with the heat lamp and lay down.

Is it normal for chicks to stretch out when they sleep? all 3 of the babies like to stretch out their necks when they sleep...and my tiny little Buff Orp chick likes to stretch out one leg. lol! She doesn't always do it, but the first time she did I was worried it was hurt or something! The first day here she always would flip over when she would try to itch her back...I guessed it was just hard to balance on one leg though...she would stand right back up...and it was funy to watch...but I'm hoping it's normal. :)

So...a few local people are putting in an order for Freedom rangers...I'm really considering getting a few in hopes of getting a breeding pair to keep for meaties...we'll see though...lol...I think I'm seriously suffering from chicken math. Ha!

In other news...I'm going to head out in this beautiful sunshine, get the grow-out coop ready, put up my new greenhouse, and start my first ever compost pile! Exciting, right?
Is it sunny somewhere today? Grey, gloomy, raining and foggy here.

Kimmie, broodies often do not take being messed with near hatching well at all. If it is close to hatch time, it is best to leave them completely undisturbed until all the eggs that are going to hatch have, and the hen leaves the nest voluntarily. Moving them can cause them to abandon the nest and their babies, sometimes breaking the eggs or killing chicks in their frustration and ire.
Momma K: So nice to hear that DH is cancer free!

Is it normal for chicks to stretch out when they sleep? all 3 of the babies like to stretch out their necks when they sleep...and my tiny little Buff Orp chick likes to stretch out one leg. lol! She doesn't always do it, but the first time she did I was worried it was hurt or something! The first day here she always would flip over when she would try to itch her back...I guessed it was just hard to balance on one leg though...she would stand right back up...and it was funy to watch...but I'm hoping it's normal. :)

So...a few local people are putting in an order for Freedom rangers...I'm really considering getting a few in hopes of getting a breeding pair to keep for meaties...we'll see though...lol...I think I'm seriously suffering from chicken math. Ha!

In other news...I'm going to head out in this beautiful sunshine, get the grow-out coop ready, put up my new greenhouse, and start my first ever compost pile! Exciting, right?
Our little batch of chicks both this year and last like to stretch out under the light when they sleep. Neck extended, one leg out, and one wing open. In fact, I'm kind of jealous of them. I have them on sand this year, and they're under a 90 degree lamp. I'd imagine it's like being at Lake Michigan in July for them.

It is not sunny here. Hope you're soaking up a lot of good vitamin D!
MOMMA K! That is wonderful news! Your hubby is such a character, and I had so much fun laughing with you guys when you came for the ducks last year. I hope you are planning on Chickenstock this year.

Also, speaking of that. Since it seems hard to commit to someone making shirts, and people buying so no one is out money or time on making them, how bout if we take BYFM's design, buy our own shirts, iron on transfer paper, and make our own? Just need a printer... Just a thought unless we can all agree who's going to make them and guarantee who is going to buy them.
I've been keeping the chicken math in control but it seems duck math has started to take over. Can't just have 2 pekings so I put in an order for two cayugas at the feed store. I have a feeling that a few ducklings are going to multiply into who knows what; this is just the beginning

yesterday was beautiful, today we are enjoying a beautiful sun rise!!

Roosters are crowing, snow is melting, another beautiful day(just a little less sun) But it is OK

something I need to say......enjoy, and love your family, each member is so special and when one leaves the loss is so hard, life is too short, we always think we have more time. We lost our daughter last month, blood clots in both lungs. she had been suffering from RSD, a horrible pain disorder, caused from a bad surgery. For 9 yrs she fought every day to go to work and to help those around her in any way she could, She worked very hard at being the best Peggy she could be. I was blessed to have talked to her on the phone the morning she died, I regret that I didn't hear any panic in her voice just the pain which we had become accustomed to hearing. She made mistakes in this life; as we all do, but the good that she did for others far outweighed her mistakes. Cherish those around you and don't let the moment slip by when you could have said, I LOVE YOU. We say it a lot more around here lately, with more sincerity.

Let those you love, know you love them. Our life will always be blessed with the love and happy memories of Peggy, she was only 44

So sorry for your loss. Your thoughts expressed about love and loving and expressing same are on the mark. Much to our dismay. I love you, too. Bob

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