Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I don't have too much sympathy for people who build on or buy homes located in floodplains who deal with flooding but still, sad to see. This one is on the banks of the Coldwater River which is part of the Grand. It's on my way to the hardware store. I'm working on the grow-out pen for my chicks that need to go outside NOW and needed more screws. I seem to always need more screws. All I have left to do is finish the pop door and section off the existing run.

Hillbilly Hen - my auntie has two of those dogs and I'm not a dog person so don't listen to me but they are yippy, wired, jittery, shaky, jumpy little beasts. I don't like them much. But again, I don't like most little yippy dogs so there you go. Give me a cat or a yellow dog any day. I hope you enjoy him though, I do. You should name him Stitch after the little alien in Lilo and Stitch.
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I am sure that he is quite busy, but we have not seen any pictures of emus lately from Farmerboy.
Maybe we should start a petition...
Looks like flooding isn't the only thing we have to worry about. One of the oak trees in front of our house split today and took out a power line. Missed the front corner of our house by about 5ft.

View from the side

View from the back/side. You can see the power line running through the pic just below the tree.

And just to show everyone how mother nature is totally messing with us, I took this pic a few minutes ago...

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I am usually a very reasonable and logical person. It has been an incredibly stressful week. I took the kids to Family Farm and Home to look for some seeds. They had bantam cochin chicks. We left with 2.
I live in the city and we have 2 hens and 3 chicks who are 8 weeks old. Chicken math is funny, but I have some serious buyers remorse. Look for my family at Chickenstock. We'll have at least 2 birds to offer for interested folks.

to myself.
Looks like flooding isn't the only thing we have to worry about. One of the oak trees in front of our house split today and took out a power line. Missed the front corner of our house by about 5ft.

View from the side

View from the back/side. You can see the power line running through the pic just below the tree.

And just to show everyone how mother nature is giving us a big up yours, I took this pic a few minutes ago...

Your not located in the Birch Run/ Millington area are you?!?! Looks like a set of trees and barn I drive by LOL
Kimmie, I had a Pekin Drake like that and one poor duck getting picked on. I'd say get her healed up, do y'all use Blue Kote on your chickens? There is another remedy they like over on the Duck Side also, I'll try to find out. Anyway, I'd get her healed up then I'd get rid of the rooster. Just my opinion.
I put her in all the other pens and nobody will leave her alone. I had to make room so I moved all my other chicken out of the pen she came from and no one will except her. I can't get rid of my roo he is a show quailty roo, blue Jersey Giant, I want to sell the fertile eggs and chicks. Maybe she will be my house chicken, lol. My husband said no way. Maybe I will put her in with the babies when they get a little bigger, she is a sweet bird she will be nice to them but they better not pick on her.
I am usually a very reasonable and logical person. It has been an incredibly stressful week. I took the kids to Family Farm and Home to look for some seeds. They had bantam cochin chicks. We left with 2.
I live in the city and we have 2 hens and 3 chicks who are 8 weeks old. Chicken math is funny, but I have some serious buyers remorse. Look for my family at Chickenstock. We'll have at least 2 birds to offer for interested folks.

to myself.
We got our first bantam cochins from them, which is actually from Townline. The rooster ended up being very mean :(

I'm worried if it rains anymore and the river rises enough we are going to get stranded on our dead-end road at the top of this hill. At least I'll be able to drive out on the White Pine biking trail if I really need to. Here's what happened to our road a few years ago. They rebuilt it like a fortress so I don't think it will go anywhere now.

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