Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

off for one day ad mega pages to catch up on.
don't forget to check out Chicken Stock, held June 22 in Lansing, great fun,

one thing about yucca, the dear LOVE it, they chew mine down to nubs.

puppy and goat pics are adorable,

got lots more planting and cleaning to do, water in the basement, although it was not deep, it left us with a LOT of mold damage to the plaster board, put up by the people we bought from it went to the cement floor. Never good to do that, but we never got around to cutting it up a little, so now we get to remove it all, and the insulation Great fun(not) so much junk to move so we can get to it all, Grand son lives with us, he has decided to make it his project. Thank you Andy!! (still needs help moving all the stuff)
Havent been here for awhile. Too many post to read all, So welcome to new people!! Hope to meet you at CS!
Have to get me buns in gear. Huge pile of turkey eggs need to be cooked up for chickens and wont get done sitting on couch :(!
Good morning all! Hope everyone survived last night's thunderstorms! Lots of noise and torrential rain...I am really dreading heading to the garden to see if all my seeds have washed away

Also, need to check on the guineas and see how badly the coop leaked. We need to add a piece over the peak at the top of the a-frame and DH has been delinquent in getting a piece of vinyl outside corner to put on there. Always something to do!

I am really getting excited about chickenstock...my list of wants is MUCH larger than my space to house....definitely time to start on another coop!

Busy day today...rehearsal for tomorrow's dance recital - so tomorrow is a bust as well. While we all enjoy dance (my kids and I all take tap dance class), this time of year we are all ready to move on to other activities. As of Monday, we have no more weekly obligations until September.....FREEDOM!!!

Hope everyone has a great day. I need to get outside and get chores done while it is still cool....there is a beautiful breeze so hopefully that will dry things up in short order.

Happy Saturday!
Welcome Rainbowrabbitry and Kathi

Opa, one thing I have learned is that there is ALWAYS another dog (or cat) in need of a good home.

Personally, I think non-lethal control methods are always superior to gunfire. Pepper spray (or wasp spray if that works) would certainly deter anything from what they are up to. If only the owners would be more responsible...
Hey Opa! I know you're a JRT guy. Just thought I would mention that up in Roscommon they just seized around 150 JRTs/Parsons and Shiba Inus from a puppy mill situation. The rescue I foster for has 22 of the dogs from there, but if you're looking and don't want a really young dog the roscommong animal shelter is in need of good homes for dogs that aren't puppies......
We may be getting one to foster after this weekend depending on how adoptions go Lots and lots of dogs out there that need good homes right now.

Oh. My. Word. I just looked at the 7 day forecast and they're predicting upper 30s at night again this coming week!!! SERIOUSLY! This is not OK with me!
I truly believe that for every kindness you extend more will come your way.

Last night I received an e-mail from my granddaughter stating this dog really needs a home.

They live 4 miles from a town of about 250 so I guess their place could considered to b bout in the sticks. Anything found in the ditches or along side the road was placed there illegally and with great effort.

While enroute to a friend's house Morgan thought she heard crying. They stopped and found this puppy in the ditch. It was no where near any houses so it was obvious that someone had discarded it. Joe, who is an expert in the canine industry, felt the pup was only a few hours from death.

After a couple of days he perked up and is doing well. He is a very friendly and calm animal. When Hope came home this evening I showed her the dog's picture and she immediately fell in love with it. I called Joe to tell him we'd take it only to find out that just a hour earlier that had found it a home and it is gone.

Oh my word! How could you literally ditch a face like that?
Wow! That's interesting. I'm not a woman, but that's still worth looking into. Especially since I am severely allergic to bees and stop breathing if I get stung anyway. The criminal deterrent is just an added benefit.

That is a good idea! I need a holster for my bike so I can put a can of wasp spray on it. Riding out in the middle of nowhere can be unnerving, especially when that clunky pick-em-up truck comes by or I ride past the farm with the mean ole rottweiler that never seems to know his boundaries. Would be good to have.

So I got a lead on our local farmer's market the other day. The one in Lowell has too many hoops to jump through. I was told I would need some insurance? I dunno. But our little one out here in the sticks, they already welcomed me in. No charge for a 15 x 15 booth and I can sell my eggs and hand spun yarns, rag yarns, veggies and baked goods, my art, etc. I make just about anything and everything. I can take my spinning wheel and demonstrate as well. But at the very least, a place to sell my extra eggs. I've got new pullets out there that will be laying come August. I'll have more eggs than my few regular customers can make up for.
Good Morning! Overcast and cooler. Perfect weather to work outside, except it's too wet to work the earth.

Kimmie, yes, Otis is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Such a sweet puppy!

Enjoy the day, everyone!
too cold and buggy to work outside!

Otie is a cute puppy. He howled up a storm when I opened garage-you would thing a much bigger dawg was in there. Peed and pooed outside and ate all his puppy chow to make more lol. Not a small dog person but he is so lovable.

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