Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

That's what I was going to say Silly. Cross polinated... I actually had some really weird holy s..ts happen one year when I planted watermelon next to cucumbers... The cucumbers all turned out with watermelon coloring on the skins, not the rich, dark green. They were also very wet when sliced and had a sweeter taste... Total oopsie. The watermelons on the other hand didn't turn out well at all. What did I learn? Don't plant watermelons and cucumbers next to each other. LOL
Weird! I bet the chickens still loved them.
also last night i searched for hours and couldn't find any adult birds that died from eating insulation; only one story about chicks. Most agreed that the bird just pooped it out, including the fiberglass kind.

Which brings me back to internal problems maybe.

Do any of you know whether a vet could test an old dropping?
I had planned on bringing him in, but he didn't make it. This one was worth it to me. Just didn't have the $$$ when i needed it. This is tearing me up, the not knowing.
Sorry about your chicken. I bet a vet lab tech could test an old drop. I think they would just look at it under the microscope. It might cost less than an actual vet appointment since it is just lab services. I have read that some states provide low cost or free necropsies at state dept of agriculture or at university ag extension programs. The info on Michigan is kind of hard to find though. The state vet might have info. Here is a link to the state vet contact info:http://www.usaha.org/Portals/6/StateAnimalHealthOfficials.pdf Of course you may have already buried the poor guy.
idk if this could help those people fighting to keep their therapy birds, but i didn't know that companion animals aren't restricted to cats or dogs; it seems birds are included too.

You need a dr to recommend it for you, for ptsd or bipolar, depression, some thing along those lines.

At any rate, it shows that birds are indeed considered of value for therapy reasons.
Thanks for posting this link. I have been following this story since I first read about it, and I'll try to bring this link to the mom's attention. I just got an update through change.org that the ordinance officer is starting to visit her property even though the chickens are still on the "urban farm" across the street.

Here is what she wrote in the email:

This morning I was visited by the city zoning administrator. His job is to uphold the ordinances as written, and does not have the power to change them. He informed me that my children’s chicken are in direct violation of city ordinances and action will be taken against them. The city council and Mayor have continued to remain silent. They have the power to grant my request for accommodation and I have asked them to do so. Now I call on you, my supporters to please help get the city council and mayor to grant my request for accommodation. There is a city council meeting Tuesday Aug. 6th at 7:00 that I will be attending to ask the city council to grant my request. I would like to invite anyone and everyone to please come and show their support. Anyone from anywhere can come. I am also trying to find people who live in Perry to come and speak to the council and show their support. The more people the better.
You can also call and write the mayor pro tem and council members asking them to support my request. Please remember to be courteous when addressing council members as some of them are already in support of our request. Notably Council Member Karen Potter has signed this petition in her support. Their contact info is:
Mayor Pro-Tem James Huguelet: E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: (517) 881-3878
Council Member Tom Chaput E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: (517) 625-0292
Council Member Greg Wekwert E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: (517)625-5801
Council Member Jo Anne O’Berry E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: (517) 625-4484
Council Member Karen Potter E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: (517) 862-9696
Council Member Karen Davis E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: (517) 625-3362

This message was sent by laura anderson using the Change.org system. You received this email because you signed a petition started by laura anderson on Change.org: "City of Perry: Allow Lucas and Katelyn to keep their therapy animals." Change.org does not endorse contents of this message.
View the petition | Reply to this message via Change.org
Obtaining a building permit should be a reasonable experience yet some officials and workers with their arrogance and know it all attitude continues to amaze me. After first attempting to fax in the necessary paperwork and being rudely informed that I needed to come in, even though their website recommended fax, I hand carried everything to the building department.
I've only been involved with construction for almost 50 years yet I had to stand be lectured about my using the wrong terminology in the permit application. In the drawings and description I state we will be constructing a shed roof over the porch. I was informed I needed to remove the word "shed"
since that would cause the plan review committee to look for a shed. Having to smile and nod while be talked down to by someone half my age was difficult but I started to explain that is properly describe I was cut off in mid sentence. I quickly realized that anything other than her opinion would probably result in a delay in obtaining a permit. Now I've got to wait about two weeks for them to decide if will issue one.
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Hello everyone, I am from southern michigan (Hudson, which is near Adrian and Jackson) does anyone know where I can take some chickens to get butchered?
if you can find some Amish in your area they do a good job and are reasonable

Obtaining a building permit should be a reasonable experience yet some officials and workers with their arrogance and know it all attitude continues to amaze me. After first attempting to fax in the necessary paperwork and being rudely informed that I needed to come in, even though their website recommended fax, I hand carried everything to the building department.
I've only been involved with construction for almost 50 years yet I had to stand be lectured about my using the wrong terminology in the permit application. In the drawings and description I state we will be constructing a shed roof over the porch. I was informed I needed to remove the word "shed"
since that would cause the plan review committee to look for a shed. Having to smile and nod while be talked down to by someone half my age was difficult but I started to explain that is properly describe I was cut off in mid sentence. I quickly realized that anything other than her opinion would probably result in a delay in obtaining a permit. Now I've got to wait about two weeks for them to decide if will issue one.
and they wonder why people just build and hope no one sees.
any thing to do with gov. at any level is so impossible.

found some shrimp in the freezer yesterday when I defrosted, think it was 2yrs old, fed it to the chickens today. smelled OK and most likely had little food value after so long But they enjoyed it.
They're all lame excuses because people are ignorant....I think someone summed it up in that article Raz posted earlier... some of the comments under the article were basically, people feel like we're a bunch of back woods hicks for wanting chickens and they think they'll be associated with that some how, cause... we're "those kind of people".......People have this funny notion that they are better than anyone who has/wants chickens. Like we're a lower class of people..... It doesn't matter what kind of noise or odor or chemical pollution they produce, LOL, as long as it's not naturally occurring!
I get this attitude too, and though i'm a hick by association i didn't start out this way; i actually decided that i prefer the un-stuck up crowd better :D And it's more fun than being conventional anyway. It's funny though how quick people assume because i have chickens i must somehow have a lesser IQ, when in reality i can out read the average joe (hey, i had a lot of spare time as a kid) LOL Funny thing is that if you can read, you know your rights. Which we have. I think the whole thing is the govt. being embarrassed by their assumptions about us being easily fooled being wrong, and they don't want to back down because it's essentially an admission of wrongness; so they are going to fight it to the bitter end. Not about chickens really at all.

Quote:Originally Posted by 1muttsfan Aaah. :( It was the fiberglass kind, too. Large quantities before i caught it; a few days ago i saw him start passing whole corn so i know that whatever it was essentially made him unable to process food. I tried grit and probiotics, special baby bird vitamins. Even my go-to showbird supplement which never fails to firm up bird droppings. Nada. Dear God i loved that bird, he was everything his daddy (my first chicken) was and then some. I was desperately hoping he would breed at least once, so i could continue the bloodline. I had brought him home during the heat spell, along with hope. I tried to keep him separate and safe, but he wouldn't have it. Much like his mother that way; she knew when her time was come and she wouldn't rest until she was with her bird family again. And some people want to believe that they don't have feelings.

I still have hope and she's smart and definitely a pet vs. flock bird, but now i don't have a rooster that she will accept that carries the same qualities. I've been raising birds for almost 4 years now and i've yet to see an equal to my pet rooster that i had as far as pet quality. What makes for a good flock bird isn't what makes for a good pet bird; instinct is for survival of the fittest and these birds are too laid back and end up on the bottom of the pecking order. This rooster never even crowed once. Not even once! Not even during the week my flock leader P.O.'d me, and i kicked him out of the coop to a different pen entirely or the week at my house where there wasn't even another crower anywhere near! He lived to be loved, and that he was.

On a different note I have that exact same dog house from that link in my coop! LOL. It is one of the favorite nest boxes of the girls. One of my girls was actually hatched in it!

I want to drop out of having a quantity of chickens for a while once i have a home for them i can trust. It's getting hard on me losing these guys, and it seems the more i work the more i lose. :( I will still keep hope for sure and perhaps switch to keeping doves until i have a home where my chickens can be at the same place as i sleep. (mine are at a family's property, if you are new)
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