Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

About neglected chickens...

Yes, I do feel bad for them. Will quarantine for sure. Will know if we are taking them tomorrow. The pet sitter will try and talk this person into giving up those chickens tomorrow.
Well, Myrtle was acting funny last night, so I locked her up in the milk shed and put lots of straw in there. The next morning I checked on her before going to work. I saw blood on her rear end, so I am thinking, "Oh she is in labor!" But, I almost miss seeing the baby under the desk. I hurriedly pulled out the baby from under the desk, it was cold and covered with frost, for it was very cold this morning, about 0 degrees. It was the world's cutest buckling. I searched for more babies, and checked Myrtle's belly- empty. Bummer, but it is a big baby! 7 1/2 lbs! I had to call my boss to tell him that I will be going to work late for I had to milk Myrtle to get the colostrum for the buckling. We are bottle feeding him. The kids named him Oliver for he is all long legs! His ears got frostbitten, so they are swollen, and he will most likely lose them. :( I am praying that the ears are still alive.




Oliver is adorable! Good thing you found him when you did!

Does anyone in W MI have a fish tank that might need some guppies? We just had a huge baby boom in our tank, and have about 40 fry too many.

It's taken a while but it finally looks as though we might at last start to see the piles of snow start to go. I read that no one living as experienced a harder winter than what we have been experiencing. I for one am glad that it its finally leaving. My only hope is that the snow melt is gradual. If it comes off too quickly many people are going to be facing serious flooding.
Congrats on a beautiful baby goat! Fingers crossed he does well!

Opa, I don't think some of these piles will be gone until July! I just want our coops to get a thorough cleaning.
So happy for Warner weather! I have a 9 week old cockerel crowing in my basement. He's going outside later today along with his 4 hatch mates.

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