Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Holy molie! I have been gone from this thread for a while and cant believe all the new folks here. Welcome to all the new eggs!!
Looking forward to Chickenstock 2014!
thank you. all the ppl I have talked to so far have just super nice. glad I found you all.
31 people signed the book at CS.

As always the food was terrific. Who brought the sweet pepper mustard relish? That was delicious. I want need the recipe.
If you weren't there you missed some great food.

It was good seeing old friends and new.
I am looking into fermented feed, and I was wondering wether this is a good idea or not, if so, what kind of grains or extras do you put in, and if anyone has a good "recipe" that they may be willing to share, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
That was great relish. And, whoever made the grape salad, that was to die for! Please post recipe!!

It was great talking to all of you again. Especially those that stayed behind and got to chat for quite awhile. It was so enjoyable.

Dr. Fulton was great! Thanks, Wynette! Had a chance to talk to him and just a super nice guy.

Great day, great food, great friends, old and new.
Great meeting people today. I didn't get to talk to everyone long enough. Keeping an eye on a 5yr old takes up a lot of time. The good was great! See ya next year!
I had a nice time too, and it was a relief to move those roo chicks. RedRoo was glad to get home and promptly put that upstart BlackRoo in his place :) Thank you all for organizing it!
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The food was awesome!!
People were great! Was a good turn out. Not our biggest CS but a good one. Especially the speaker Mick Fulton.
I resisted all the chicks
!! And now regret it

Looking forward to next year :).

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