Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Hi! New to the back yard chicken world. My daughter's kindergarten class hatched a chick and we are the lucky family who gets to keep it. It's almost 5weeks old now but I'd really like a buddy for it. I'm in the birch run area, does anyone know where I can a single hen? TSC has been out for a while. Thank you for any help you can offer.
I noticed a guy on craigslist in the Bay City area that is hatching chicks, perhaps he has a few that are 4-5 weeks. Unsure if his breeds will mix well with whatever you have though.

Feel weird saying Welcome, because I'm new here as well....but Welcome!
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Ok, BAD MAAH! I know.. I've been gone for a while. And... I'm going to continue to be bad & completely skip over all the 2447 post I've missed. Soccer season just sucks all my time.

I've really just popped in quick because I know Chickenstock is coming up. I am still planning on going to that. :) Has anyone done up a flyer for this year?

Quick update: We got 6 new pullets this year from Townline... 1 of the pullets (golden Wyandotte) ended up being a rooster. Gee thanks Townline. But, we also got 4 straight run Welsummers... with my handy dandy knowledge from BYC buds, I was able to pick out 3 girls, 1 boy. The boy we picked was "questionable" when we picked him, but we did so with the "it's ok if we get 1 boy" since we don't currently have a rooster. Well, add this 1 boy with the Wyandotte... and we have 2.

Also, we rehomed the guineas. Hopefully now that the guinea cock can't kill off my new rooster(s) I'll be to hatch again some day! (though I'd still rather have a FBCM roo). I still haven't been able to hatch eggs from my own flock for the past 2 springs & it's depressing.

Meaties (2 doz) for DH's fair project should be coming within the next week.

All the farm critters are doing great... chickens, goaties, & buns.
Glad to hear all is well and thriving. I also saw your post about CS. There was quite a bit of buzz on here about cancelling, not bringing chickens, etc. My take is to treat it as a social event, bring some bunnies maybe, maple, a swap table item, and some eggs for Gail (the pysanky gal). I won't be bringing any chickens myself as I simply don't have any to spare. Chickenstock is alive and well in any case.
Welcome Rumpshacker

Raz good post. for sure something to watch very closely. next they will forbid, shipping and we will all need to go under ground

good luck on the RTFA approval.....

Aart thanks for sharing the meaties info, friends of ours have ordered some from TL and expect to get them the 17th. will let you know how they turn out. also this is their first chicken experience so I hope it goes well
I found a silicone desert tray at Meijers, 30% off,{ $6.99} they are bar shaped and hold 1 egg ea. 12 spaces in the pan...makes interesting ice cubes too

welcome to all the newbies, I am sure I have missed a few as it has been busy around here

Looking forward to chicken stock

forgot how was looking for chicks, I have 2 born around the 1st week of May maybe a rooster, part BFCM part Ameracauna

the other looks more like a hen to me, may be Chanteclare mix

can bring to CS the black one's mom has started to lay already I think, the other ones mom not yet.
my broody breaking has not been so successful I have had one in a cage for 3 days, let her out , she went right back to the nest box another was in for 4 days, same thing. 3 others took the hint and went on with being chickens. the 2 stubborn hens, a Jersey Giant and an Amaricauna are back in the box with a fan on them, hope this does the trick cause I don't need any more chickens
have been trying to get the Chanticleer's to hatch but not real successful
I have another hen sitting on 9 eggs. if push comes to shove I will put some of those under the stubborn broodys but I would rather they went back to laying eggs
To predator proof your chicken run you should extend the hardware cloth 6" below the ground level and then out 18-24"  Coons will attempt to dig under right at the point the fence touches the ground.  No need to trench 2' deep. 
No need to bury at all if you don't make the rest of the fence predator proof.... Meaning: it won't matter what they do if they only use chicken wire.
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my broody breaking has not been so successful   I have had one in a cage for 3 days, let her out , she went right back to the nest box  another was in for 4 days, same thing. 3 others took the hint and went on with being chickens. the 2 stubborn hens, a Jersey Giant and an Amaricauna    are back in the box with a fan on them, hope this does the trick cause I don't need any more chickens:jumpy   have been trying to get the Chanticleer's to hatch but not real successful
 I have another hen sitting on 9 eggs. if push comes to shove I will put some of those under the stubborn broodys but I would rather they went back to laying eggs 
I think that sounds like a great idea. One each.
Husband was at family farm & home today. No chicks. I'll look into the craigslist guy in bay city. No clue on breed. I posted in the gender forum on this sight and they seem to think it's a barnyard mix.
Husband was at family farm & home today. No chicks. I'll look into the craigslist guy in bay city. No clue on breed. I posted in the gender forum on this sight and they seem to think it's a barnyard mix.
The Family Farm and Home in Chelsea still has a good assortment of chicks, and even some rabbits. saw some 2 year old girl balling so hard because grandma wouldn't get her a bunny.
The Family Farm and Home in Chelsea still has a good assortment of chicks, and even some rabbits.  saw some 2 year old girl balling so hard because grandma wouldn't get her a bunny.  
I've rescued a few bunnies from parents who didn't have the sense to say no.

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