Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

We had power when we left for baseball practice (5pm) and were without power when returned home (6:45). No idea what time it went out. Power was restored at around 9pm. I'm hoping things aren't affected too much. At this point I don't know that I would re-set eggs since I would REALLY like to get through a winter without having to deal with birds in the grow-out A-frames. We were VERY under-whelmed by the big storm up here. BUT we got some much-needed rain and i'm hoping the plants really take off now.....it seems like we're in for another cool summer which isn't good news for my tomatoes.
Sam, how is Granny doing? Miss seeing her at CS at her greeting station. Hope you all are doing well.

What a storm last night! We were spared any damage. Hope all is well with all you folks.
What a storm last night! We were spared any damage. Hope all is well with all you folks.
It was real muggy here and while I was tearing an engine apart in the garage a quick T-storm rolled through. We missed any bad stuff. I had just cleaned and refilled the duck pond. If I had of waited the storm would have filled it up!
Well, we thought we were going to miss all the storms, they all seemed to be just above us. We got woke up at 2:15am with a tornado warning to seek cover. So we got up, dressed and collected the dogs. One of the dogs is old and can't go down stairs... so I had to carry her down (she's 90 lbs).... got all the dogs blocked under the stair well and then went out to watch the storm cause nothing was really going on... we listen to a police scanner on our phone and heard the twister had touched down between Manchester and Saline area. By the time we went back to bed it was over, but it was surreal outside with the lightening in the clouds and tons of fire flies. We are without power since 2:20 am, power co says we may not get it back till tomorrow at 11 am.. but that's a broad guess on their part. I know my parents have a power pole down in their back property, they're closer to Manchester. We're fine.

I would recommend anyone with a smart phone to down load a 911 app that has the police scanners... we listened most of the evening to the weather station guys and to the cops reporting rotations, funnels etc... we were hearing about it before the alerts were posted.

I hope every one else is ok.
Well, we thought we were going to miss all the storms, they all seemed to be just above us. We got woke up at 2:15am with a tornado warning to seek cover. So we got up, dressed and collected the dogs. One of the dogs is old and can't go down stairs... so I had to carry her down (she's 90 lbs).... got all the dogs blocked under the stair well and then went out to watch the storm cause nothing was really going on... we listen to a police scanner on our phone and heard the twister had touched down between Manchester and Saline area. By the time we went back to bed it was over, but it was surreal outside with the lightening in the clouds and tons of fire flies. We are without power since 2:20 am, power co says we may not get it back till tomorrow at 11 am.. but that's a broad guess on their part. I know my parents have a power pole down in their back property, they're closer to Manchester. We're fine.

I would recommend anyone with a smart phone to down load a 911 app that has the police scanners... we listened most of the evening to the weather station guys and to the cops reporting rotations, funnels etc... we were hearing about it before the alerts were posted.

I hope every one else is ok.
Yeah, that was just a little spooky last night with all of that stuff just to the north of Clinton. sat up watching most of that stuff go on last night. was wild watching some of those storm tops just light up the sky and not hear the thunder from them. Did a check of the place after 3 just to check everything, Thankfully, the worse it did here was that it flooded out the back of the barn. Only 2 stalls didn't get water in them last night, and of course, they're the ones that are not in use. Hopefully they'll dry out soon and I won't have to yank the stall mats to get the stalls to dry out.
so in an amazing twist of events, Chicken B was returned to me last night. I picked him up from someone in the area he went missing. The poor guy was looking real rough. After getting him some food and water he perked back up. I've been keeping him inside for now because he seems to be favoring one leg over the other, so I don't want him hurting himself worse.

Next chapter: Chicken B Lives.
Just curious if everyone names your chickens? I've had mine about 2 months now, I think I have their personalities figured out. Having a tough time coming up with names. My daughter named my barred rock, Oreo, of course. (Daughter is 24 yrs old, lol) I have 1 red cross who is very unsure, not mean or anything, just likes to hang back and watch everyone else. Suggestions?
Well, we thought we were going to miss all the storms, they all seemed to be just above us. We got woke up at 2:15am with a tornado warning to seek cover. So we got up, dressed and collected the dogs. One of the dogs is old and can't go down stairs... so I had to carry her down (she's 90 lbs).... got all the dogs blocked under the stair well and then went out to watch the storm cause nothing was really going on... we listen to a police scanner on our phone and heard the twister had touched down between Manchester and Saline area. By the time we went back to bed it was over, but it was surreal outside with the lightening in the clouds and tons of fire flies. We are without power since 2:20 am, power co says we may not get it back till tomorrow at 11 am.. but that's a broad guess on their part. I know my parents have a power pole down in their back property, they're closer to Manchester. We're fine.

I would recommend anyone with a smart phone to down load a 911 app that has the police scanners... we listened most of the evening to the weather station guys and to the cops reporting rotations, funnels etc... we were hearing about it before the alerts were posted.

I hope every one else is ok.

Yeah our area was hit pretty bad too. A lot of trees down and one house, not too far from us, lost its whole roof (very sad). Fortunately we only lost power for a few hours, no damage this time, Now the storm we had a few weeks ago took out 4 large oak trees on our property, one of them landing on our camper, which we just bought last year.

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