Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Someone gave me a chick today. She said it has a broken leg but I think its bumble foot. Can they get that a 2 day old?,
Bumble foot is a staph infection, yes? Not sure how they'd get that at 2 days old. Is it straddle leg? Hard to tell from the pic.

The chicks in empire.....are they the ones off craigslist? Silver pencilled rocks, and a few other breeds? I only live about 15min from empire and SPRs are on my want list.
The chicks in empire.....are they the ones off craigslist? Silver pencilled rocks, and a few other breeds? I only live about 15min from empire and SPRs are on my want list.

My SPR are from a breeder. I got Showgirls and Seremas in Empire. I honestly don't remember seeing any SPR but she was super nice and had nice birds. I may actually end up with an extra couple but not all their penciling is as nice as that girls.

So glad that I have that done now for the summer!!

I was pretty much thinking the same thing with the last bale of hay I put up. I also got roped into helping a friend with hay, since I was at her house when the wagons rolled up for delivery. Except I was in shorts and a T-shirt at the time. Haying in shorts is asking for a death by a thousand cuts.

I have 50 more to pick up, then put 200 in the loft and I am done! I decided to wait for the cooler air!

Eh, we might put another hundred up in the loft, but we're not really expecting to get any more from that supplier, especially since he came over yesterday with a wagon with 23 bales on it and about or 6 busted bales in it. Guess that happened when the PTO on the baler broke. was more of a favor for him to free up the wagon.
I was pretty much thinking the same thing with the last bale of hay I put up. I also got roped into helping a friend with hay, since I was at her house when the wagons rolled up for delivery. Except I was in shorts and a T-shirt at the time. Haying in shorts is asking for a death by a thousand cuts.
Yikes!! They should have at least offered to find you a pair of jeans or something to at least cover your legs. Hell, I gotta wear protective sleeves now on my arms so I don't tear them up. gotta keep them in good condition for massages as my forearms are one of my best tools for when I'm massaging.
Hi I am looking for two black silkie bantams near Calhoon county, Preferable they would be very young and not feathered. I am looking on here because I can't find any hatcheries that will allow me to buy such a small number. I already have 9 chickens so I would just be adding onto my flock.
Eh, we might put another hundred up in the loft, but we're not really expecting to get any more from that supplier, especially since he came over yesterday with a wagon with 23 bales on it and about or 6 busted bales in it.  Guess that happened when the PTO on the baler broke.  was more of a favor for him to free up the wagon.  
Yikes!!  They should have at least offered to find you a pair of jeans or something to at least cover your legs.  Hell, I gotta wear protective sleeves now on my arms so I don't tear them up.  gotta keep them in good condition for massages as my forearms are one of my best tools for when I'm massaging.  

Ive done 450 1st cutting
Waiting on 2nd

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