Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Any tips for keeping my chickens cool? I have them a larger enclosure, but there is no natural shade and these past few days have been hot. I've noticed them with their beaks open
Get some shade cloth, or a tarp, up pronto......they need shade the deeper and darker the better.
Dampening ground a bit in the shade to cool the soil, they will dig into it and lounge.

I freeze rinds and seeds of melons and other veggies to put out in late afternoon along with a shallow pan of water with ice cubes to drink and wade in.

Panting and wings out is how they cool themselves and not necessarily of concern,
lack of movement when stimulated(with treats) is when you need to worry about heatstroke.
The black/brown on one side, silver metallic on the other, tarps are great for this. Silver side up to reflect the sun, dark side up in winter for heat. Plant trees and shrubs for shade in the future too. Mary
Candled my 36 duck eggs for the first time last night. Found 4 that were cracked, I knew something wasn't right when I opened the lid and it was rank! So now down to 32. They all look like orange blobs and most have dark spots & veins. Air cells seem to be between the size of a quarter and a nickel.

Any tips for keeping my chickens cool? I have them a larger enclosure, but there is no natural shade and these past few days have been hot. I've noticed them with their beaks open
You could get a cheap picnic table to put in the enclosure. gives them some shade and cover. that or a wheelbarrow. whatever is handy enough to stick in there for them to get in under for shade.

Just fixed up a bunch of deviled eggs for a picnic for work today. Going to be so yummy!!
I'll trade you a Khaki Campbell drake for one of your boys, lol.

If I can find these boys a home I may be interested in one of yours. I'll let you know if I find mine a home.
We ended up finding them a home, thank goodness! Two boys were relocated, and we found someone selling two girls. So we did a crazy run around today and got all of that sorted out. Thank you for the offer though!
Took Howard to an avian vet about his bumble. Turns out to have a septic joint
got some antibiotics so hope it helps. I am open to any natural remedies if anyone has any.
He wasn't crazy about the hour drive 1 way at first, but after becoming my co pilot he was better.

Then after some organic kale and beet greens on the way back it was nap time lol
Hope Howard heals up fast. Can I ask where you found an avian vet? I can't find one.

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