Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

My sister uses her victorio a lot. I used her's enough to think it is far better than other options. This time I had to cut quite a lot of mold, bruises, and hard shoulders out. In the process, I found that these tomatoes skinned remarkably easy. And I don't mind seeds so didn't bother straining them.

The canner is heating up now. I think I will put them in straight and try ketchup or salsa later if I want to. If there is, like, one jar or a half jar that doesn't fit in the last batch, I'll might try something.
Welp. That wasn't the best way to do that!

No living beings hurt but at least one corelle bowl shattered. I'm pretty sure the shrapnel went toward the floor. And the pressure canner blocked the pot of tomatoes so I'm not going to throw them out unless I find any shards that way.

I set the lid on the pressure canner without tightening it to let it heat. That worked well yesterday but today I missed the beginning of the boil by a minute or two. When I picked the lid up, the handles were a lot hotter than yesterday. I threw the lid. I think the only damage is that one bowl it landed on. I think one bowl. It might be two.

Investigating afterwards, they probably wound not have burned me through the oven mitts but I didn't wait to find out.

Next time. Do more clearing of the work space and leave more margin in when to take the lid off.
Speaking of tomatoes... Most of mine have the hard shoulders. I'm losing 1/3 of the tomato to that issue. I will have enough, but still!

I looked it up online, and it can be caused by 3 things. Excess heat, yup, had that. Not enough potassium in the soil (test to find out), and pH of soil off (test for that).

Has anyone had this issue and resolved it with soil amendments? This will be for next season, obviously, but I'm hoping someone can offer some advice.
A recent chicken lover from Michigan went head to head with a bully ACO. SHE WON. Charged with neglect of 25 animals she faced felony charge with 7 years in jail and never to own an animal again. Of course they did a press release which made her look like a animal hoarder. Local TV ran with the story. Now that she has been exonerated not a word from tv stations. But the Lansing State Journal ran a front page story and another full page story. Unfortunately 6 chickens died and the other have a fungal infection, mites, frost bit cones, a silkie had her head feathers gone.
But despite 11 months of separation the chickens remembered her.
2021 House Bill 4703: Revise 2x
Write your representative and senator. Don't give these people more power. It has somewhere only 14 days to forfeiture. Forfeiture us civil and felony charges are criminal. Criminal charges go to trial first then civil. Innocent until proven guilty requires accused to post bond until criminal trial.
Email, write, or call to stop more abuse by bullying ACO.
Forgot photo of silkie.


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I always use TomatoTone fertilizer for tomatoes.

Of course no official should ever exceed their authority. But having seen some horrible actual hoarding/ neglect situations, there has to be a way to protect animals as well. Sometimes it is not immediately clear if animals are being neglected, that is what investigations are for.
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I always use TomatoTone fertilizer for tomatoes.

Of course no official should ever exceed their authority. But having seen some horrible actual hoarding/ neglect situations, there has to be a way to protect animals as well. Sometimes it is not immediately clear if animals are being neglected, that is what investigations are for.
The program hoarders show some pretty bad situations with sick animals. But except in an emergency life and death situation, animals should not be seized. Animal owners have a right to predeprivation hearings. This is to prevent erroneous seizures. Being removed from their owners, even chickens, traumatized the animals. Their food is changed. The animals might be on special diet or medications.
There are ACO officers that should never be an ACO.
Chickens seized and held for 11bmonths waiting for a trial had 6 chickens die, 3 have staff infections on combs and waddles. Others have mites. A small hen was subjected to too many roosters. A silkie had hair on head that is now bald. The chickens were not check by vet when put in animal shelter. They were placed in different volunteer care and one of those volunteers has a serious problem with this infection. Another has mites. Another not predator safe. Another has too many roosters per hen. And the owner posted 9000 bond. Now vet bills and having to treat chickens.
Michigan has a bill making forfeiture of animals only 14 days. These chickens had no predeprivation and taken with exparte search warrant with door being kicked in. Maybe there should be some tv show of people having animals seized without predeprivation hearings. Let the people being harassed by ACO and code officers and their dead pets or injured pets.
I will never own an animal again. When my dog and chickens are dead, I will never replace them. You love an animal or animals and they take them away for their safety and they die or get diseases. To have a pet die is always sad but to have them die by neglect of government agency is unthinkable. To get back and infected with disease just as bad.


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