Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Morning all. That's my Poof in the pasture last night. Ants took wing and were swarming from mounds in droves yesterday. The chickens left their usual haunts for the open pasture to eat them. Poof is so different from my other BO pullet, Custard. She has a different shape and her comb is much bigger. It's strange. This one is our BO cockerel's, Fritter's, favorite. They sleep together every night on the roost. It's so cute.

I understand why you can't post stuff RaZ but if you get a chance sometime and I'm privy, paste me please. I hate to pry into people's affairs. I have an online friend in Tasmania who's going through some nasty family stuff and it's so hard to just figure out if I'm enough of a friend to ask what's going on.
I have a hatchling!!!!
DH came in the bedroom and woke me up this morning after he went down to check the temp and humidity in the incubator (is he great or what!) and saw that it was mostly zipped and working hard to come out the rest of the way.

YAAAAAY!!! Now if that little one will just encourage the OTHERS to get moving! Today is day 21.

ETA: it's a mottled houdan
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Meet, Mike and Ike!

They're 8 mo old.

They were such a hoot running around. They're a little unsure about the dogs... dogs want to play a bit too rough so we'll have to work with them a bit.

I think they may have a little mineral deficiency (thanks stacykins) their coats have a rusty color near the back legs. I know the people who had them, had no hay or minerals for them. They got hay last night, but I'll pick up all the other stuff today.

So other than that they are pretty friendly. I kept them in the dog run over night till I can get their "shelter" set up. Today, we'll see whats left of the yard when we get home. Luckily we don't have much in the line of plants in the back yard, but, who knows what kind of mischief trouble they'll find.

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so, I went out to medicate the water for my younger birds this morning and my splash marans chick is dead.
the others don't appear to have pecked it at all, so that's good I guess. My question is, should I put the big girls into their secured run so they are further away from the younger chicks, or just leave them access to the divided run? I'm going to do 7 days of the Tylan for the 2 chicks is was in with, although they didn't exhibit any symptoms (yesterday, or when the splash was sick originally). Unless I shouldn't? Should I also medicate the water of the big girls, even though they are in a seperate run?

This is kind of taking the joy out of my hatch.
Gladahme, I'm sorry. What do you think was wrong? She was sneezing, is that right?

Silly Chicken, I love Mike and Ike! Enjoy! When I was young, my neighbor always had a set a hunting beagles. Their names were Mike and Ike (and over the years there were a few different Mikes).
Good morning all!! It has been a busy few days here. We had 15 people invade this weekend!! I love having company, but phew!!! Only 7 of the 15 were adults, so I put all of those kiddos to good use :) eggs were collected, coops were cleaned and runs were raked!!

My mom and all 3 kids went back to school yesterday. At 6:45 am everyone was gone and I didn't know what to do with myself. At 11:30am I received a phone call from my horribly unprepared sister saying she couldn't enroll her daughter in school because she doesn't have a physical address. She is currently living in a motel. After much running around and a few phone calls, my niece is now living with us and attending school here. All I needed was a hand written letter stating I was her temporary guardian. Now I have 4 to get up and out the door by 6:45 :)

I hope everyone has a great day!! I'm off to find some tomatoes to can and maybe some apples to make applesauce!
At 11:30am I received a phone call from my horribly unprepared sister saying she couldn't enroll her daughter in school because she doesn't have a physical address. She is currently living in a motel. After much running around and a few phone calls, my niece is now living with us and attending school here. All I needed was a hand written letter stating I was her temporary guardian. Now I have 4 to get up and out the door by 6:45
It is very kind of you to invite them to stay with you. I don't know why the school wouldn't have allowed the daughter to be enrolled, though. Even homeless kids may enroll in school, and should qualify for special services.
According to her, they said under no circumstances could they enroll her... my thoughts are she is more concerned with her social life than her daughter.
My sister has 4 children but now officially takes care of none of them.

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