Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Hmmm. I may be able to make it . . . it's just up the road about 15 minutes from me!!

Yep, I can think of nothing that makes a day start of better than starting it with a smile. On second thought a pulse might be better but just marginally. It's hard to abide a grump.
A pulse would be sufficient.

I've been freezing my tomatoes this year. Too busy with other stuff to can. Usually, I do the works, sauce, salsa, ketchup, straight up...

I got a bushel of sweet corn off the neighbor last night. He farms our extra acreage and pays us in beef... and corn apparently. He told us that he planted a patch of sweet corn for us back by the pasture and forgot to mention it. So my husband's been mowing it over all summer. Doh! But on the bright side, I have a bushel of sweet corn to freeze, eat and make sweet corn ice cream out of AND I just found some hay! Finally! After digging and asking and making calls all summer. He will bale me some at the next cutting and deliver it to our barn for us and cheap! It's been like pulling teeth, finding someone to buy hay off of. My sheep just barely scraped by this summer with the drought and what few bales I could scavenge from the last owners. After all the crap I went through with bad neighbors the last two houses we lived at, this place has restored my faith in neighbors. They can be good people.
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Good morning Michigan :D

8 boys to the processor this am. Then 5 hens to one person, 2 to another, one lame bird that needs to be put down, and I will (maybe) be down to winter numbers. Finally! I am getting tons of little pullet eggs each day, no idea who in the mob is laying then though... definately the jaerhons, and my young Delawares.
Last night, noticed my Buffs combs were starting to look redder. Hopefully this means that they are getting closer to POL as they are 17 weeks now. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, the setting of the sun, or treat time. Can't hardly wait for those fresh eggs to start being laid though.

Here's a pic of one of the littlest of my new chicks. This Araucana girl(?) was really shaky, but seems to be doing so much better now.

Lost 3 chicks total (2 Coronation Sussex and 1 Araucana). Everyone remaining looks active and healthy now. Hope that's the last of the losses.

Have a good day everyone. Gotta work today.
does any one freeze broccoli or cauliflower? I went on line and they said to boil for 3 min. I did that but it is now eating soft and I am sure if I freeze it will be mushy when thawed and warmed. isn't 3 min. a bit long. said to boil water add cauliflower bring to boil and boil 3 min???
I freeze them but I steam them for three minutes not boil.

really hoping its just umillical material too! i don't have blu-kote, but i'll pick some up tomorrow. gotta get more feed anyhow. I'm leaving the lights off down there as much as possible andkind of hoping that if they can't SEE it, they'll leave it alone. I've got 5 eggs left I'm hoping will hatch tonight or tomorrow.
I'm not sure I would recommend blukote. I had a chick with a bloody beak/nostril area. I put a dab of blukote on it and the other chicks literally took him down trying to peck the blue off. I ended up washing it off and then all was fine.

Stacykins - Mike and Ike are adorable!

greenmimama - a hen can stay broody until she has chicks, you break her or she gives up. I had a Polish this summer who was broody from the last week of June until last week. I tried to break her and she spent two weeks in a cage and it did nothing. I was finally ready to give up and was going to give her chicks when she decided she was done on her own.

I thought the guineas had stopped laying but found a new hidden nest in the garden by the pumpkins. There were about 20 eggs out there. I was going to mark them when the next day they were everywhere and 3 were eaten and just shell pieces left. DH put out the trail camera so we could find out who was tough enough to break guinea eggs. We ended up with pictures of a skunk. So last night DH put out the live trap with hot dog. This morning when he went out the trap was sprung and there was a mommma skunk with a litter. So the trapping will continue.
per tonights paper:
"POULTRY, water fowl, small animals & game birds for sale. Over 70 sellers. Sat., Sept 15 from 6 am to noon at Montrose Orchard. 12473 N. Seymour Rd, Montrose, MI. Just a bit north of M-57. SPonsored by the MBGBA. "

anyone going to it??
I am. We have been going every year. This week we are going to the st louis swap at the producers inc.

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