MIL passed away today...


10 Years
Mar 27, 2009
Cabarrus Co.
She's been in the hospital for over a week and had been improving from a lung infection, but yesterday she was improving and then spiked a temp of 107 and then went downhill very fast. She was taken off of all meds and life support this morning and lasted about 15 minutes before she passed.

I'm heartbroken for my dh. This is the first loss of a parent that he has ever had. I lost my Dad in 93 and my Mom just this Dec. My family has our own struggles, but when it comes to family, we pull together. Dh's family has never been close and right now tensions are running so high, he doesn't want us at the memorial.

It's always been that way with his family, we just don't go around them other than his Mom and Dad if we can help it with good reason.

I love my MIL and I will miss her very much, especially her hugs. When I lost my Mom in Dec, she made it a point to hug me every chance she got, and now I've lost our last hugger in the bunch, along with the kiddos.
We haven't told the kids yet, today was my middle ds's first ever baseball game at age 11, and he already has to take a backseat to his older brother for the most part, who is autistic and takes up a great deal of attention and time. I wasn't about to take his special day away from my middle ds from something that he had no control over.
It can wait until tomorrow to be sad and to cry and grieve yet again, so let him have his day in the sunshine, fresh air and teammates.
His Mawmaw would expect no less than that and she'd be mad at us if her death took away from his time to shine. I really can't think of a greater memorial to her than for him to finally excell at something she loved and on the first game no less!

I'm not looking foward to tomorrow and telling the younger two...they both were a lot closer to dh's mom because for the most part, she was well enough to do things with them like having DD spend the night, and having us over for dinner with her cooking and the last time we were over about 4 weeks ago, dh cooked dinner for his Mom.She loved it, we talked, laughed, argued, talked some more, and hugged. The last thing she said to us all was that she loved us.

She was exasperating, funny, a prankster, loud, independant, loved all, and was loved in return.
We love you, Mawmaw Joan. See you soon.
Thank you both.
Some of the shock is wearing off and I miss her so much. She was a wonderful, exasperating, lovely woman. Our lives are better for her being there.

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