Mille Fleur Leghorn Thread PIC HEAVY

Thanks... I have a blue roo too. I was really excited to see blues pop up. I didn't think about it but should have when I crossed them with WL.

At this point.... what have I got to lose to cross one of the exchequers into the MFL.... I have 1 pair and 2 extra roos..... I need more projects
Is this the look in exchequers that could work in MFL??? To my untrained eye these look more like reg mottleing than exchequer mottleing. I did acquire a Speckled Sussex pullet to help too. I really like the MFL but if I can't keep the chicks alive they have to go.....

Just as an FYI, our chicks were pretty vigorous. According to a more experienced MFL owner, they were some of her best at hatching and thriving. Maybe it depends on the parent stock?
Quote: I have hatched from 3 different people and even mine. NONE are hearty. I had a good hatch of one batch but they were all TINY and most died. I think I hatched like 16-17 chicks and only have 4 left at laying age. 1 pullet and 3 roos
The other batch I had most develop and only 2 hatch and both died in a week or so. Even mine died within a few days. I am trying again since she started laying again. We will see.

I FORGOT.... I got the roos from someone else! now that is really sad..... 1 pullet.

In there defense I hatch lots of chicks at a time and only the strong will survive. BUT I don't have any big issues with bantams surviving.
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Graciel 57, It may very well be modifiers but I don't believe that they're dominant in any way because if they were dom. then I should not get offspring with some completely white feathers from parents who only express white tipped feathering. I've found the same to be true for the "trait" that causes an irregular white blotch on individual feathers rather than a white tip. The "break" between the red and black coloration is yet another can of worms.

I've found that the same "traits" are found in the American Gamefowl population, hence they have "spangle" and "whitehackle" strains.
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I have hatched from 3 different people and even mine. NONE are hearty. I had a good hatch of one batch but they were all TINY and most died. I think I hatched like 16-17 chicks and only have 4 left at laying age. 1 pullet and 3 roos
The other batch I had most develop and only 2 hatch and both died in a week or so. Even mine died within a few days. I am trying again since she started laying again. We will see.

I FORGOT.... I got the roos from someone else! now that is really sad..... 1 pullet.

In there defense I hatch lots of chicks at a time and only the strong will survive. BUT I don't have any big issues with bantams surviving.
That is too bad. No one likes those kind of odds! I do carefully choose my eggs and only set the largest. I don't use pullet eggs. I don't like tiny chicks!
Thanks... I have a blue roo too. I was really excited to see blues pop up. I didn't think about it but should have when I crossed them with WL.

At this point.... what have I got to lose to cross one of the exchequers into the MFL.... I have 1 pair and 2 extra roos..... I need more projects
Here's a project for you.. Citron Leghorn.. LOL
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NO...... what is that?

That is an astounding NO....... I am proud of you

They are Citron Leghorns that randomly hatched from my MFL project. Several hatched, but I only retained 1 rooster and 1 hen. I have been considering putting the pair in a breeding pen together, but that means someone else gets the boot, or I build another pen

I don't know much about genetics, so I asked a fellow BYC member and genetic guru if these guys are technically Citron or if they just present themselves as citron. He confirmed they are indeed Citron. Here is our conversation thread.

Here is our comminication back and fourth

Here is my question:

I acquired Mille Fleur Leghorn project birds. I don't know what breeds or genetics went into this project but I have had several birds hatch out with a lighter color pattern, presenting itself as Citron.

I was wondering if MFL and Citron are genetically related. I guess my real question is: if the color being presented is Citron in appearance is it really Citron?

Her are some photos of my Leghorns. The first group of photos are of the Mille Fleur colored birds and the second set are the "citron". Both colors hatched from the same breeding stock.

Thank you in advance,


The response

Citroen is another word for the Cream gene, seems like both of this rooster's parents carry the cream gene in its heretozygous form, now he is homozygous(two copies of the gene) nice color, I love it,

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Well the few birds I do have are NOT Citron they are dark mahogany like a MFL.

Are you going to breed them? Would they breed true? .... I guess they would having 2 copies. Interesting color though.
Well the few birds I do have are NOT Citron they are dark mahogany like a MFL.

Are you going to breed them? Would they breed true? .... I guess they would having 2 copies. Interesting color though.
I've tittering on the idea of breeding them but then come to my senses and convince myself that I have enough projects. My pair is over a year old so if I am going to breed them I guess I should decide within the next year or so.

They hatched from mahogany parents and the rooster has alot of red in his hackles and saddle so I would expect I would likely get some mahogany chicks. I guess the only way to find out would be to breed them.
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